BobT-47P15 Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 by BobT--47P15 The big day finally arrived. Here we are in downtown Tulsa by the Convention Center. The cars have been sequestered in the parking garage of the DoubleTree Hotel, across the street. The big surprise----it's going to be a street race instead of a drag race!!! They pull out of the parking garage onto the streets of Tulsa. Pete blasts off and is in the lead first. (We were sitting at the curb waiting for the race to begin. And begin it did.) Quote
BobT-47P15 Posted June 17, 2007 Author Report Posted June 17, 2007 Next, you can just see the back edge of Pete's roof as he goes flying by us. But, here comes Don giving it heck. He's gaining. After a bit, Don takes the lead.....heading out onto the freeway. Now Pete is making a move on Don, trying to get around him in the traffic. At one point we were up to 70 and still climbing, trying to keep up....we're not racing, just trying to be an observer and reporter. (In Don's car are Bob and Wanda VanBuskirk, co-pilots and race advisors. Pete is ably assisted by his son Joseph.) .....continued in next post....... Quote
Dennis Hemingway Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Church, In the middle of a race, You tease you have us setting on the edge of our seats, and then you leave and go to church? You better have prayed for forgiveness. LOL Dennis:eek: Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Bob, If you were taking the pictures and both Pete and Don were racing, they weren't racing very fast. Pete is quite a bid back and Don even further. Don't think that was much of a race. Or, did you win the Big Race? You must have if you took pictures of them racing behind you out your back window. Quote
BobT-47P15 Posted June 17, 2007 Author Report Posted June 17, 2007 When we finally reach the restaurant, they're flying down 51st Street in a dead heat.....a tie!!! Man, what a race. Those are two fast Plymouths. After turning in, they even pulled into their parking spaces together. We see Pete, Joseph and Wanda trying to regain their composure after such an exciting ride. Here are Pete's "Flat-out Flathead" and Don's "Full Race DeSoto" engines. They've raised the hoods to check for any illegal modifications. None being found, they then had a foot race to the front door of the restaurant. Another tie. Quote
eric wissing Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 I believed every word until you said the foot race was a tie!! eric Quote
BobT-47P15 Posted June 17, 2007 Author Report Posted June 17, 2007 I was amazed at the speed of those two to the restaurant door. Pete is smaller and lighter, but Don said "I'm hungrier". Both now standing in line to get to that chow. Once seated, it's the age old question.....what's for lunch??? That's Bob and Wanda VanBuskirk on the left, and the back of my son-in-law Dale's head....along with Don, Pete and Joseph. Then one more coincidence occurred.....both Pete and Don finished their lunch at almost the same moment. If you look closely, you can see each man had a victory beer. This trip was the first time Don and Pete had actually met, but it looks like, from the smiles, they are getting along just fine. And.....they did agree on one thing.....sending the bill to Norm. Well, there you have it. As factual a report as I could give about two great guys and real WINNERS!!! Stay tuned to the P15-D24 for their future adventures. Quote
Don Coatney Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 I believed every word until you said the foot race was a tie!! eric There is unlimited power in increased cubic inches:D Quote
Don Coatney Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Also interesting that Pete wore a blue (not brown) shirt same as my blue shirt. He knew he did not have a chance:cool: Now Pete needs to post the real (not photoshopped) checkered flag finish;) Quote
jd52cranbrook Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Looks like you guys had a great time. Meeting new car people, and looking them over is what its about. Quote
TodFitch Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Good to see photographic evidence that the two race cars did, in fact, meet up. Sounds like everyone had a good time. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Sounds like everyone had a good time and lunch. And, you had napkins again. Quote
Don Coatney Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Bob' date='If you were taking the pictures and both Pete and Don were racing, they weren't racing very fast. Pete is quite a bid back and Don even further. Don't think that was much of a race. Or, did you win the Big Race? You must have if you took pictures of them racing behind you out your back window.[/quote'] Norm; Pay the bill and shut the heck up! Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted June 17, 2007 Report Posted June 17, 2007 Norm;Pay the bill and shut the heck up! Don, I think Bob won that race. How else could he witness that you and Pete tied. Quote
Jim Saraceno Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Ah-ha... Great job of reporting! The long awaited "Great Race" has finally come to fruition! Glad to see everyone had a chance to get together and have a good time and I'm glad someone took pictures and posted them for us all to enjoy. I would have loved to be there and I'd tell you that I am jealous that I couldn't make it, but I was in Vancouver with the rest of my family on vacation so I can't really feel too jealous. I hope to see more pictures! Quote
Guest rockabillybassman Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 I agree..... definitely looks like Bob won the race!!!! :D (Bob will always win.... ya just offer him the incentive of a good-paying gig! ) Quote
blueskies Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Now that's fair and balanced reporting! By a nose, as they say... And Don was given the checkered flag at the end of the race to remember this great occasion... Still can't figger out how Bob was at both ends of the race though, must'a been the magic turbo propellor on his hood. I think he has a quite a few tricks up his sleeve. Fun was had by all... Pete Quote
toddbracik Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 enjoyed the pics and the reporting guys. Thanks Quote
BobT-47P15 Posted June 18, 2007 Author Report Posted June 18, 2007 The propellor may have helped a bit. Here you answer to the question of how did I get ahead of them at the finish.... "But I had to cut thru a parking lot at an intersection, an alley, and a short stretch of someone's lawn to get ahead of them toward the end....while they were waiting for a stoplight to change. Those are two zippy old Plyms. Most of the race was spent by us just trying to keep up." (Upon some reflection, that footrace to the front door was perhaps closer to a "liesurely stroll".) All in all, it was good fun, a little silliness, and everyone was a winner. (I may have taken just a little journalistic license on that report.) Quote
Johnny S Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 I think Bob knew a short cut to the finish line. It only involved cutting through one alley and a short stretch of lawn....not much damaged as I heard the story soon after it had transpired. I did hear Pete say to a casual and impartial viewer of his car .... just someone walking by you know .... that he had something up his sleeve for the next time they meet that might just knock everyones socks off. He said something to the effect "Don C will never see it coming!" .... He didn't share details with me but I think that the "Big Race - Forward to Tomorrow" is already being established. Quote
Normspeed Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Great report. I can almost smell the, I mean the exhaust and burnt rubber. If I'da known Norm was picking up tabs I might have made the trip. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted June 19, 2007 Report Posted June 19, 2007 Great report. I can almost smell the, I mean the exhaust and burnt rubber. If I'da known Norm was picking up tabs I might have made the trip. Normspeed, Problem is they are stuck with the tab now. I told them to have a seat and wait for me to get there. Instead they ate without me and already left. So.... no point in me going now or paying the tab. They already ate and paid the tab. Quote
blueskies Posted June 21, 2007 Report Posted June 21, 2007 Here's the official BIG RACE poster that Joseph and I gave Don just prior to the BIG event... Pete Quote
Don Coatney Posted June 21, 2007 Report Posted June 21, 2007 Here's the official BIG RACE poster that Joseph and I gave Don just prior to the BIG event...Pete Pete; I thank you once again for this great OFFICAL poster! It is currently displayed on my office wall with pride. I owe you as I also have another gift from you hanging on my office wall. Joseph (I am sure) will develop a shocking personality:D You will be proud of him and make sure you tell him I enjoyed his company as he was a true gentelman. Like father, like son! Quote
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