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Anyone know of a modern replacement for the U-joints in a 48 B1C? Brenbaum wants $95 each for them, Collector's Auto supply wants $150!



Don't know about the trucks. However, I can take my drive shaft into the shop locally and they will convert it to modern u-joints for between $125 & $200. Or, make a whole new one for about the same price. That may be the same price as you were quoted for replacing the old vintage ones but at least they won't go out like the old ones do. And, they will be cheaper to fix next time around.


I think you've got to be careful with this if you're using the old type of ujoint with the cast slip collar at each end with the leather boots. I tried to do this for my '36 Plymouth. The driveshaft shop said that it would require the installation of a slip collar/yoke on one end of the driveshaft. Mounting flanges would have to be fabricated to match up the flanges on the back of the tranny and differential. If you just put in modern ujoints w/o the slip collar-the driveshaft won't have any longitudinal play in it as the rear suspension moves up and down. I think I'm going to replace the old boot type slipjoints-the originals lasted over 70 yrs, and that's longer than I'm going to be worried about replacing them again! Mike

Guest 51plymouthod

Tony, I just recieved my B-1-C U-Joints from Roberts Motor Parts earlier this week. $65.00 each, + postage. Paid too much, but they were the correct joints and they were new & available.


Thanks, that's the best price so far. Do your U-joints have the plates that bolt over the bearing cups?

And pardon my ignorance here. Is there supposed to be a leather boot over the u-joint? I didn't see the boot mentioned in the parts book.

Guest 51plymouthod

My Universals are the 'Cleveland' type. The crosses are bolted on with 2 little bolts holding a little 'plate' on top of each cross. These are NOT at all like the universals on my 1951 Plymouth, which are completely covered by rubber boots. My B-1-C joints are very similiar to the Spicer-type universals on 2 wheel drive vehicles in the 1960's & 70's. They simply attach to the yokes differently.:)


Tony. can you post a pic of your joints. they sound like the ones Ihave on the back end of my drive shaft. Cross and roller with small sheet metal cups and bolts. look like this? If so I have two or three extras. If I have three I might consider parting with one, If I only have two, I will wish you great good luck in locating one. I grabbed mine from E bay and a local swap meet.




Tony thats the joint I have in my 46. Also got mine from Roberts at a price. But believe me if you were trying to replace the common car type you'd be happy to pay 65 each for those!

Guest 51plymouthod

Your picture is correct, Tony. That's the $65.00 Roberts Motor Co. joint.


Thanks for your help! I know I am going to have a lot of questions over the next few weeks as I get this old truck into shape. I really appreciate all the advice!

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