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Hi folks!


From all my conversations on this forum it looks like my 1950 Meadowbrook has the wrong carb. I have a Carter BB and from what I have gleaned here the correct carb should be a Stromberg that is fitted with a dashpot.


Is this correct? Are there Carters with a dashpot or a means to attach a dashpot to the Carter?


My car runs fine with the Carter, though.


If its running to your satisfaction you probably should let it ride unless you are going correct restoration.  The solex carb was more critical with the gyromatic cars.  


My 48 Dodge has fluid drive and it is running a Carter b&b carb. There is no dash pot on the carb, but I have never had a problem with it stalling when coming to a stop. My car is also fitted with a manual choke.



When I got my old 42 it had a stardard carberator and it would also stall when comming to a stop.  I replaced it with a BVX-3 carberator and it works just fine now.  I might suggest that you watch e-bay and buy the correct carberator for your fluid drive set up.


Thanks for all the responses. Mine runs fine, it only will stall if I run a silly maneuver like holding the brakes, revving the car in gear and suddenly releasing the pedal. Which sounds like something a dashpot would prevent. But who drives like that....except me when I am testing the fluid drive unit. :)

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