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When i was planning on pulling my motor on my '52 B3b i tossed the idea around on here and the consensus was that taking the tranny off before hand would make it much easier. Yes i believe the pedals have to come off but the MC does not. Do you have the front clip still on the truck, cause if you dont that will make it easier too. Im just going off of what i remember cause when i pulled my motor i just had a bare frame so i didnt have to deal with any of that. 




Pull the front clip, drop the tranny. It is a hard enough job so why make it harder when a little pre work makes it a lot easier? 


I already pulled the front clip. I was gettin the itch to pull the cab up and off. I hate to spread my old truck to far around the yard.  the replacement motor has the motor and tranny in one piece with a mc and pedals. How maney mounting bolts are on the cab?? thanks noel in nm


I agree with Chris and GTK. It's much easier to pull the front clip and drop the gearbox. You should probably pull the 2 inside floor panels as well to make it easier around the pedal area.




I agree with Chris and GTK. It's much easier to pull the front clip and drop the gearbox. You should probably pull the 2 inside floor panels as well to make it easier around the pedal area.



I forgot the kick boards in the cab. They need to come out. 


There are 4 cab bolts. One in each corner. You might get lucky and get them out, but I had to cut two of mine. Save the mounts and the bushings for when you buy new ones if you need to. 

Posted (edited)

Are the rear motor mount bolt special or are they just 3/8 bolts slid threw a bushing?? There was no bushing just a bolt on one side of mine and the other i cut the top off. 

 Is there more than one kick board in the cab?? I pull one long one off.  

 thanks everyone noel


 Don is that a 39-47 your working on in the pic?? I have a 47 panel. cool trucks

Edited by lugnut123
Posted (edited)

I replaced my rear motor mount bolts with grade eight fine thread 3/8 bolts. I had to cut mine off. When I placed my engine in the frame I forgot to put the rear bushings in and didn't catch it until the cab was on and all my brake lines were ran. The driver side was challenging. It was a mistake I wish I didn't make. Make sure you get them in the first time! If you need to make one. I have found going to a hardware store and finding a piece of black pipe or equivalent that is very close in OD size and drilling out the ID to the bolt size is very handy once you cut it to the desired length. I did that for some of my cab mounts. 

Edited by 52b3b Joe

I pulled mine out as one piece....but it was a royal pain in the ass.   The pedals hit the steering column and you can't get the pedals off once they are installed in the truck.  Would have been way faster for me to drop the transmission first.  Live & learn.

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