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A new date and a new location for the Minnesota Metro Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society Truck Show.

This is the 20th Anniversary Truck and Tractor Show

Saturday June 9, 2012

Route 65 Classics

14954 Aberdeen St

Ham Lake, MN

Show Hours 9am to 4pm

If you want to show your truck, arrive around 8:00am

I will bring my Pickup to this show, and spend the day bs_ing with the guys that drive and restore the big stuff. This is a pretty friendly bunch of people and in the past it has been the most enjoyable car show.

The past shows have been at the Rogers Car Museum on Fathers day which conflicted with the Minnesota Street Rod Show.

There will also be a swap meet with truck related stuff. I found my YOM license plates from a vendor at this show a few years ago.



Ive never been to this one because of the scheduling conflicts. Thanks for the heads up.


thanks for the heads up...my truck won't be ready yet, but I might go up and check things out and see what's at the swap meet.

thanks for the heads up...my truck won't be ready yet, but I might go up and check things out and see what's at the swap meet.

Its only a couple weeks before the 50s it better be close :) I got my registration back and my number is in the 11,000s.

Just checked the house calendar and my wife says we have a wedding to attend.


Pretend you're sick...Start the night before...then give her a couple hours after she leaves...call and tell her you're feeling a little better...but not that great...maybe a little fresh air outside would do you some good...then go to the show!

What I'd do,

Hank :D


I just checked map quest and it is only 247 miles away. I am going to ask my social director if we have any plans. That sounds fun, a different group of trucks that I probally have not seen yet.

Todd B

  • 1 month later...

Just a reminder that the Minnesota Metro Chapter is having their truck show on Saturday June 9.

I have been scheduled for a wedding so I can't be there. The have a pretty good swap meet and this is where I found my YOM truck plates for my 49


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