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Hey all, weather is getting ugly, T/storms, humid but not hot, mid 60s, and a Tornado watch for our area.

I live 18 miles north of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, future home of the Atlanta Thrashers.

Here are some pics, the Tornado watch is for funnel clouds and weak twisters, our Tornado season is from about now till September, we are the extreme norh portion of the US tornado alley.






We even had one touch down in the Sacramento,CA. area a couple of days ago and destroy a mans 2 car garage and barn. Very rare for these parts.


Thunder and lighting storm just passed over, small hail, downpours, black clouds funnelling a bit to the east, all okay for now.....

We even had one touch down in the Sacramento,CA. area a couple of days ago and destroy a mans 2 car garage and barn. Very rare for these parts.

I believe that was just 1 of 80+ tornados reported that day across the country. This has been some crazy weather this spring. I sure hope it settles down soon.



Where I live in Alberta, Canada, we have had one of the coldest and wettest springs in 150 years. Apparently as our cooler weather drifts south it meets with the warmer Gulf air coming north and that is why there have been so many terrible weather systems and tornadoes in the famous US tornado alley and likely elsewhere. I would apologize but I have no control over Mother Nature. Warmer weather is predicted for the next couple of weeks so hopefully the weather might improve elsewhere.


After the storm 1.5 inches of rain, and pea sized hail. The old 47 is alright, she came out of her bedroom for a peek.



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