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49 B-1-D three speed. I'm putting the trans together under the assumption there's no seal in the front, that the long nose cone the throwout bearing rides on is just long (and corrugated) enough that whatever oil works its way through the bearing just never makes it to the front and drips out all the hell over the clutch? I suggest this b/c there was no seal in mine and the only place I can imagine fitting one is over a splined area of the input shaft, (hmm, splined seal? no...) but then I'm looking at it and it's making feel like I might be an idiot to think there's no front seal?



There is no front seal on the old MoPar trannies! You just need to make sure you use the OE style shielded front input shaft bearing.


there is on the cars a gasket between the trans and the bellhousing. this keeps the oil from exiting the rails that the shifter selector forks slid on.



The trucks have a different trans with no open shift rail holes-no gasket required, but might not be a bad idea to make one up.



It`s has been a long time since I have had one apart but isn`t there a small hole below the front bearing that allows any oil that gets past the bearing to drained back to the box.

(or am I thinking of a different box)


yes there's a drain hole like that. I'm making my own gasket so I trimmed out a piece in it for that drain.

Thanks everyone, good tip about the bearing, i have a new one from roberts I'll check it for the shield.



I checked and the bearing has no shield. You know, I gotta say, maybe it's just bad luck, and I haven't been in this old Dodge game long, but that makes 100% of the things I've ordered from Roberts the wrong part.



Is that a 3 speed floor shifter ? I didn't know 1 tons came with that option.

Huh.....Learn something new (to forget) every day.... lately.


if i remember right from when i took mine apart, the front bearing had a radial seal on the inside side opposite of the snap ring. seems like it would have made more sense to have the seal on the outer side. also, if you have trouble finding bearings motion industries has just about any bearing you might could want and also offers a cross-reference between brands.


There is no seal on the front of Dodge truck standard transmissions. Check the parts book. There is a slinger on the input shaft that keeps oil where it belongs, usually, unless they are over-filled.

There is one hole below the input shaft in the front of the case for the counter shaft but unless your case is realllllllly worn out, this is not a leakage point.. Many of our transmissions leaki at the back end, and this seal is tough to replace with the trans in the truck. I suggest that no novices try to replace this seal without professional help. I changed mine with the box on the bench, and that's the way I'd recommend the job be tackled.

I have new seals on my trans and rear assemblies, and now have no oil leaks on the drive train except for a laking front seal that is brand new. Just love to do those jobs twice . . . :mad:

Good Luck

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