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Slightly OT Chrysler Airflow

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Here is a link to a posting with 3 videos on the Chrysler Airflow from the Jalopy Journal (home of the HAMB).

The first video is on safety where they intentionally roll the Airflow then push it off a cliff and drive away in both instances.

The second is an endurance record set on the salt traveling 2000 miles in 24 hours.

The last is an economy run from LA to New York



These films were made when the Airflow was new so that would be 1934.

At that time the maximum speed limit in California was 45 MPH while in Ohio it was 35 MPH. Interesting that in the third video, about a coast to coast economy run, they mentioned driving a "leisurely" 50 MPH. I guess he was exceeding the speed limit during the economy run...

In 1935, Plymouth advertised "Drives better at 80 MPH than most cars drive at 50".

The only way I can imagine getting my '35 to go 80 MPH is to drive her off a cliff!:eek:

I have not seen that slogan before. I do have a video for the 1935 that claims it "is a true 80 MPH road car". What with that "perfected ignition" (both centrifugal and vacuum advance), improved cooling (full length water jacket and distribution tube) allowing higher compression giving both "greater power" and "greater economy" they did not, apparently, have enough variations in their marketing slogans in 1935.

If you believe my 1933's speedometer, I've touched 70 MPH once. I'll be driving down to the Golden State Region's meeting in Santa Maria a week from tomorrow. Part of US101 south of King City is relatively flat and posted at 70 MPH. I might, just might, see what the top speed on the car is using a GPS for measuring. But not for very long as it is not comfortable to drive above about 60 MPH and that is pushing the RPMs with my 4.375:1 rear end.

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