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It has been raining and cold in So Cal for the last week so I pretty much stayed out of the garage. Friday I went in for something and saw water on the floor. There was a leak in the roof. What do you think the chances are of a random leak being directly over my tool box? 100%. The top section was full of water. One of the drawers was part way open and full of water.

Yesterday I put some plywood on saw horses and emptied my entire tool box.

My father was a mechanic in San Francisco in the 30s, 40s, 50s. He died in 61. I got the tool box but never really inventoried what was in it - I just used what I needed. Well today I found MoPar automobile fuses in the original package, unopened. They've had to be in there for at least 50 years. I found some spark plugs, in the box I don't know what they are - Autolite AR52, AC 44, a box of "LITTELFUSE". I found a wooden box and it says 'Back Lash Checking Indicator' made by K.R. Wilson. I'm not really sure what it does but I've got one.

I have a complete ring set for a 36 Chevy still in the box and packages. I found tools I don't even know what they are. Brand new points, condenser, rotor and cap - I don't know what from. The little screw nails for the strip that goes across where the hood closes on my P15 - a box of them. Little GE lights, some screw in some push in and turn. The boxes got wet and some just fell apart but the fuse boxes are still good - and they say MoPar on them.

I'm trying to dry everything. None of my good tools got wet. I just had my knee replaced so yesterday, with a friend, I was climbing on my garage roof screwing down a tarp. Sometimes wives can get so hysterical.

Anyway it doesn't really have anything to do with Plymouths - just thought I'd share.



Sounds like the leaky garage roof gave you the opportunity to discover a treasure trove.

I was up working on a leaky garage roof yesterday too. But I was not lucky enough to discover hidden treasure during the clean up.


I will definitely pass that message along - perhaps after dinner.

also found - one of those old timing lights with the curly bulb inside.

I found instructions for something... it's outside - I'll share it later.


The 'Back Lash Checking Indicator' made by K.R. Wilson is just what I need. I've been getting a lot of that from the little woman lately. I'm in Southern California too. Could I pick it up before Valentines Day. I promise I'll let you know what it does.


P.S. Really, I've got a great wife. She didn't even flinch when she saw the rusty old radio delete plate I got on Ebay today. I think she likes our truck more than I do.

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