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66 Fury III 6pass wagon. 383 2bbl with factory air. Rather large aftermarket duals that sound quite nice. Later cop car wheels but the seller found all 4 original 14s and hubcaps for them.



Ed..tell your dad I am envious, very pretty wagon, the light blue looks excellent on a car that large...love that body style..the dash is spartan but laid out very nicely...I love the super smooth ride the torsion bar for that size car yields. As for the cop wheel caps..nice but should you want the entire set of 66 full dish caps..give me a call..got them upstairs...


Dad got a set with the car. I'll let him know in case he wants spares. I called them hubcaps above but they are the full wheel covers. Only issue we discovered so far is the speedo doesn't seem to light up. Oh well something to fix.


If you were local I'd be trying to buy it from you. My next purchase is a convertible something

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