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OT..WARNING! Don't go onto cars.gov site

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Someone just sent me this info that I think everyone should know about before going onto the cars.gov site. Apparently, once you access the site, click "accept" and continue, the govenment has access to your computer and it's files and also claims them property of the U.S. Government. This was broadcated on Fox News. Seems pretty legit to me, but I'll let you all be the judges.



Sorry After Glenn Beck says his name, I can't bring my self to give anything else he says any credibility. Fox Noise, I think I won;t believe that either.


I think it's a little created news. First in the video the newscaster(?) pretends to be a dealer registering a vehicle for the program. Normal visitors won't be entering the site as a dealer and dealers probably have to have some sort of sign-in.

At the bottom of the home page is a link to the privacy button. It doesn't read anything like they showed on the video and there is no accept button that I saw.


Seems unlikely. I don't see anything on about that on Snopes but if the allegation is brand new they might take a while to research it. In the mean time....

$ dig www.cars.gov

; <<>> DiG 9.4.3-P1 <<>> www.cars.gov

;; global options: printcmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 34008

;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 9, ADDITIONAL: 0


;www.cars.gov. IN A


www.cars.gov. 524 IN CNAME www.cars.gov.edgesuite.net.

www.cars.gov.edgesuite.net. 21224 IN CNAME a1809.b.akamai.net.

a1809.b.akamai.net. 20 IN A

a1809.b.akamai.net. 20 IN A

So the site is actually being hosted on a number of servers run by akamai.net. Akamai is a company that basically makes a business of handling high volume web traffic for large corporations. For instance Apple uses Akamai for a number of its services. It would make sense that a site that was expected to have high traffic would be hosted there.

Being cautious, I decided to look at the site by getting the source code first:

wget http://www.cars.gov

--16:19:13-- http://www.cars.gov/

=> `index.html.1'

Resolving www.cars.gov...,

Connecting to www.cars.gov||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 18,979 (19K) [text/html]

100%[================================================================>] 18,979 --.--K/s

16:19:13 (649.48 KB/s) - `index.html' saved [18979/18979]

Looking at it in a text editor I see nothing amiss. At least on the front page. They are using the jquery Javascript package from http://jquery.com/ but it I a quick look I did not see an obvious place where they were doing anything out of the ordinary.

Based on that quick survey I got brave and went to the site. Sure does not look an issue to me. I guess Fox ought to go back to stirring up the "birthers" who haven't figured out that not only does Barack have a valid Hawaiian birth certificate that has been released to the public but that at least one newspaper had a birth announcement for him back in 1961 when he was born. Oh, and Hawaii was a state in 1961.

Posted (edited)

Ya know the immagration and naturalization act says that any child born having one parent who is a citizen of the United States is a natural born citizen regardless of thier place of birth. They would by virtue of being born in most foreign countries have the availability to chose citizenship in that country should they choose to. Funny part is it excludes foreign military bases and counsuler sites as not US property. So its a good thing John Mc Cains parents were US citizens or John would not be a citizen. He was born in a naval hospital at Coco Solo naval base in the Canal Zone of Panama. I suppose that rule prevents children of civilian base employees from claiming citizen ship by virtue of being born in a US military facility. And while the Canal zone was considered a US holding at the time it was not considered US territiry. But then again John did not win the election.

Edited by greg g

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