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Working three areas today, some progress to show on the Studebaker ( I know that's why it says OT)

Did some work on the floors, using the Home improvement duct insutlation and the home improvement store self adhesive butyl flashing. I can attest that once you peel the paper backing it will stay where it is put. I trimed back the insulation about an inch and a half around the margin then stuck it down. Will cover the rest with some rubber mat or runner.



Then got the hood ready for its final (hopefully) coat of paint. so far 4 coats of home made flattened paint ( 1 tspoon of cornstarch per ounce of paint).

Final coat will be mixed with some comercial flattener I have left from the rest of the job. Truck will be satin finish when done as I ran out of patience for body prep. Did I mention that the hood is a lot of area to do with a 4 inch roller????


Then had some spaghetti for lunch:



Looking good Greg. There shoulda been a law that all dashes were accessible from the firewall.


I'm with you Reg. Here is another take, this one being done by a fellow in Germany. I believe his is a 50, Instrument panel is different but dash is similar.



Looks good, Greg. I agree with ease of access with the dash open like that but I wonder what happens when oil, dust, dirt, snow get in there? Must have been OK as Stude trucks had that for years.


probably won't be seeing a lot of the stuff you mentioned. There are a lot of holes, probably apprppriate some DUM DUM from the body shop at the dealership I work at.


DUM DUM.........hmm.........I wonder if that applies to all of us car nuts?:P Seems like you are making good progress and having fun at the same time. That's what it is all about.

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