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Out of necessity I'm thinking of selling my 47 Plymouth four door. Wouldn't know what to ask and that is why I need your opinion. I've put a lot of work into it and the idea of parting with the car kills me. Here's a list of things I've done to the plymouth.

Rebuilt motor-Driven only around the block a couple times-Documented

Added dual exhaust and carbs-Asche

Fairly new tires-around 200 miles

rebuilt front-end all new rubber, king pins.

original interior

rebuilt master cylinder

rebuilt wheel cylinders

Body is fair-complete trim, original paint.




I was talking with a friend last night and said I'd like to get another Plymouth. I enjoy mine so much, why not have two. :)

Wife and lack of funds will keep that dream from happening. Hate to see you sell it Arthur, you've got a good start on that project. How is the body? Is there much rust, or any other damage? Hard to tell in the dark photos.

I'd think it would be at least worth $5k as it sits if you have the front clip. If the body is in really good condition maybe a bit more. How's the interior?

As with anything, it's worth what someone is willing to pay. I'd figure up what you got into it and then go from there.


I would at least ask as much as I have into the car so far, including the cost of my labor. After all, the labor you put into it is worth something.

That said. Don't know your necessity for selling, but if it's just to raise a few thousand you may want to keep it. When you look at it, even if you got $5,000 for it, how long would that $5,000 last you in today's world. Not very long. Would be gone in no time at all. If you just feel you don't want to or can't afford to work on it now, just park it and cover it until things get better. That is, if you haven't lost interest in the car altogether. That's a whole different story and maybe you should sell then.


If you need money sell it for what you think is a fair price.

If you are not in a rush start a little high you can always go down.

But if you do sell put it back together as once someone sees it partly disassembled they will usually offer less.


I don't really know a lot about car values, but yours looks pretty darn nice. That is, with a little more work it would be complete and fetch more money. I think a buyer would take advantage of the fact that it is not complete, but what is there certainly looks nice. If you could, hang onto it at least till you can complete it then sell. I took out a loan to buy my car and it was complete but needed an overhaul. I paid about $3900 for it. I've got a lot of labor into it on degreasing and cleaning alone! I guess even when completely restored it wouldn't bring what a person puts into it. It all boils down to whether or not you can afford a toy sitting around that eats money and time.


.."I have about $3500 + not including labor" - Sorry to hear you find it necessary to consider selling your '47 Plymouth.Looking at the photos and record of the work you have done,I can appreciate the care and man hours you have taken to improve your car to it's present condition.I hope you are able to find an appreciative new owner. Ralph


I know when you need money there's not much you can do. The problem is old cars like houses have lost a lot of value. It seems if you could just hold on to it until the economy rebounds you might have a better chance.

Not everyone can wait, I know that. In January I sold my 69 Triumph and didn't get what I had into it. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.

Good luck and I hope who ever buys it appreciates it as much as you do.

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