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That is nothing Tim,

On the news yesterday, (causing an uproar, understandably) one "artist" is being funded by the Quebec and Canadian government (both) $65-$75 000 to...... BUILD A GIANT HELIUM BANANA THAT WILL BE FLYING OVER TEXAS FOR 3 MONTHS...... following some kind of air currents, it will stay aloft..... I don't know how our governments keep us aloft....... sheesh.....



It's a public service announcement, don't take drugs. It was clever. But effective?

Like Ralphie and the boys listening to the teacher lecture them on honesty and fessing up, adults always talk that way, so who's really listening? Maybe get some crack and take someone else's web.


I have 6 nephews between 12 and 22. They and their friends all laugh at some of these attemps to convince them not to do this and to do that.

WE think it works, but they think it's a joke.

Is it effective anyway?


But that video certainly isn't the results of the research. They actually found that caffiene messed up the webs the most. The research was done in the mid-90s. I remember learning about it in psychology class in University. Apparently it was published in NASA Tech notes or something?



Some background on the Banana. It is a covert effort at an early warning system for illegal aliens entering Canada through the US. The will start monitoring them as they enter across the Texas border and attempt to track them northward using a variety of fruit shaped lighter than air sensor platforms. After all who is going to think the fruit of the loom guys are actually big brother (or whatever Canadian Beureaucrats are called).

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