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Every once in awhile a recipe comes along that just needs to be passed on. Then of course it could be everyone is in the know and I have just been enlightened. Anyway, this is quick and easy and yeilds excellent rresults

2 Table spoons Butter

1/2 Tablespoon olive oil

1/2 Tablespoon of Basalmic vinegar

clove of minced fresh garlic (or more if you are a garlic fan)

1/8 Teaspoon of dried oregano..

1 lb mushrooms (sliced)

Melt the butter into the oil, add the vinegar and garlic. Add the mushrooms and evenly sprinkle the crushed oregano...stir the 'rooms till covered with the mix..cook on medium heat 20-30 minutes or until soft..or the texture you enjoy most...

The basalmic vinegar is the key to the flavor...



On the topic of recipes that should be shared, I got this in an email from a friend. Haven't tried it yet but sounds good.


When decent people get screwed over, this is the result!

A little background: Neiman-Marcus, if you don't know already, is

a very expensive store; I.e., they sell your typical $8.00 T-shirt for


Let's let them have it! THIS IS A TRUE STORY!

My daughter and I had just finished a salad at a Neiman-Marcus

Cafe In Dallas, and we decided to have a small dessert. Because

both of us are such cookie lovers, we decided to try the 'Neiman-

Marcus cookie.' It was So excellent that I asked if they would give

me the recipe, and the waitress said with a small frown, 'I'm afraid

not, but you can buy The Recipe.' Well, I asked how much, jnd

she responded, ' Only two fifty - it's a Great deal!' I agreed to that,

and told her to just add it to my Tab.

Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement, and the Neiman-

Marcus Charge was $285.00! I looked again, and I remembered I

had only spent $9.95 for two salads and about $20.00 for a scarf.

As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it said,

'Cookie Recipe-$250. 00.' That was Outrageous! I called Neiman's

Accounting Department and told them the waitress said it was

'two-fifty', which clearly does not mean 'two hundred and fifty

dollars' by any reasonable interpretation of the phrase.

Neiman-Marcus refused to budge. They would not refund my money

because, according to them, 'What the waitress told you is not our

problem. You have already seen the Recipe. We absolutely will not

refund your money at this point.' I explained to the Accounting

Department lady the criminal sta tu tes which govern fraud in the State

of Texas . I threatened to report them to the Better Business Bureau

and the Texas Attorney General's office for engaging in fraud. I was

basicall y told, 'Do what you want. Don't bother thinking of how you

can get even, and don't bother trying to get any of your money Back.'

I just said, Okay, you folks got my $250, and now I'm going to have

$250 worth of fun. I told her that I was going to see to it that every

Cookie Lover in the United States with an e-mail account has a $250

cookie recipe From Neiman-Marcus. ..for free. She replied, 'I wish you

wouldn't do this.' I said, 'Well, perhaps you should have thought of

that before you ripped me off!' and slammed down the phone.

So here it is!

Please, please, please pass it on to everyone you can possibly think of.

I paid $250 for this, and I don't want Neiman-Marcus to EVER make

another penny off of this recipe!

NEIMAN-MARCUS COOKI E S (Recipe may be halved)

2 cups butter

24 oz. Chocolate chips

4 cups flour

2 cups brown sugar

2 tsp. Soda

1 tsp. Salt

2 cups sugar

1 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)

5 cups blended oatmeal

4 eggs

2 tsp. Baking powder

2 tsp. Vanilla

3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)

Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender to a fine powder. Cream

the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla, mix together with

flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda . Add chocolate chips,

hershey bar, and nuts. Roll into balls, and place two inches apart

on a cookie Sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.

Makes 112 cookies.





The Cookie Recipe That Cost a Bundle-Fiction!




On the topic of recipes that should be shared, I got this in an email from a friend. Haven't tried it yet but sounds good.


When decent people get screwed over, this is the result!

A little background: Neiman-Marcus, if you don't know already, is

a very expensive store; I.e., they sell your typical $8.00 T-shirt for


Let's let them have it! THIS IS A TRUE STORY!

My daughter and I had just finished a salad at a Neiman-Marcus

Cafe In Dallas, and we decided to have a small dessert. Because

both of us are such cookie lovers, we decided to try the 'Neiman-

Marcus cookie.' It was So excellent that I asked if they would give

me the recipe, and the waitress said with a small frown, 'I'm afraid

not, but you can buy The Recipe.' Well, I asked how much, jnd

she responded, ' Only two fifty - it's a Great deal!' I agreed to that,

and told her to just add it to my Tab.

Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement, and the Neiman-

Marcus Charge was $285.00! I looked again, and I remembered I

had only spent $9.95 for two salads and about $20.00 for a scarf.

As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it said,

'Cookie Recipe-$250. 00.' That was Outrageous! I called Neiman's

Accounting Department and told them the waitress said it was

'two-fifty', which clearly does not mean 'two hundred and fifty

dollars' by any reasonable interpretation of the phrase.

Neiman-Marcus refused to budge. They would not refund my money

because, according to them, 'What the waitress told you is not our

problem. You have already seen the Recipe. We absolutely will not

refund your money at this point.' I explained to the Accounting

Department lady the criminal sta tu tes which govern fraud in the State

of Texas . I threatened to report them to the Better Business Bureau

and the Texas Attorney General's office for engaging in fraud. I was

basicall y told, 'Do what you want. Don't bother thinking of how you

can get even, and don't bother trying to get any of your money Back.'

I just said, Okay, you folks got my $250, and now I'm going to have

$250 worth of fun. I told her that I was going to see to it that every

Cookie Lover in the United States with an e-mail account has a $250

cookie recipe From Neiman-Marcus. ..for free. She replied, 'I wish you

wouldn't do this.' I said, 'Well, perhaps you should have thought of

that before you ripped me off!' and slammed down the phone.

So here it is!

Please, please, please pass it on to everyone you can possibly think of.

I paid $250 for this, and I don't want Neiman-Marcus to EVER make

another penny off of this recipe!

NEIMAN-MARCUS COOKI E S (Recipe may be halved)

2 cups butter

24 oz. Chocolate chips

4 cups flour

2 cups brown sugar

2 tsp. Soda

1 tsp. Salt

2 cups sugar

1 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)

5 cups blended oatmeal

4 eggs

2 tsp. Baking powder

2 tsp. Vanilla

3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)

Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender to a fine powder. Cream

the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla, mix together with

flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda . Add chocolate chips,

hershey bar, and nuts. Roll into balls, and place two inches apart

on a cookie Sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.

Makes 112 cookies.




Why would anyone want to eat a fungus?


Every once in awhile a recipe comes along that just needs to be passed on. Then of course it could be everyone is in the know and I have just been enlightened. Anyway, this is quick and easy and yeilds excellent rresults...

why do a lot of people do what they do..sushi...buy it today...put if aside..its tomorrows bait...

niether of the women like mushrooms for some reason...Sally wil fix them for me whenever/however..and that gal can cook..her homemade kabobs with fresh whole marinated/grilled 'roons...tongue slapping good..

of course..I would have to ask how in the name of sam can anyone eat asparagus...bleeck...but she cooks it for herself..I get over it..


don't do magic mushrooms...but I have been to Amsterdam...I had a young blonde on my arm as we walked gentleman's canal after the evening meal..sometimes I can still feel her elbow in my ribs for peeping into the windows as we walked by...that was only one of the many excellent sight seeing trips while stationed in Germany for two years..awe Bavaria..could not think of a better place to spend two years..


Tim, don't do magic mushrooms either, but there are ton's of wild mushrooms here, the mirels are the best. Bet you recipe would be good with the wild mushrooms too.

Well, you haven't lived until you've had my wife's sauteed brussel sprouts, unless those mushrooms you are eating are the Magic variety........been to Amsterdam lately?

Charlie, no need to go that far for the magic types. British Columbia in Canada has them growing wild, so does Washington state too I bet.........LOL

Heck, there must be something intoxicating growing in the swamps around your place, can't just be gators and snakes, in there.............LOL


When I was in college, the pizza joint across the street from work had two types of slices always available - pepperoni or mushroom. One day the cynical (but cute) co-ed running the counter was tired of asking 'what kind, pepperoni or mushroom?' so she just started saying 'Flesh or Fungus?' Everyone laughed, but the owner made her cut it out. It was a shame, really, her deadpan voice and eye-twinkle made if quite funny.

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