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Message to the futrue POC President

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Not sure who but someone coined the name "YOUNG ED". This name is much more fitting than dodgepu46. I vote that Young Ed change his handle prior to starting his campaign as a future POC President.

Now (as part of his grooming) (pun intended) we need to find him a running mate. Someone who appeals to all. Anyone have any redheaded suggestions?:cool:


It sounds good to me. Will have to get GTK to do the legwork on that one. I believe he updated Darins so I think this system is capable of it.


Vetting definition in wikipedia

[edit] Origin

To vet was originally a horse-racing term, referring to the requirement that a horse be checked for health and soundness by a veterinarian before being allowed to race. Thus, it has taken the general meaning "to check."

It's a figurative contraction of veterinarian—the fancy word for animal doctor originated in the mid-17th century. The colloquial abbreviation dates to the 1860s; the verb form of the word, meaning "to treat an animal," came a few decades later—according to the Oxford English Dictionary the earliest known usage is 1891—and was applied primarily in a horse-racing context. ("He vetted the stallion before the race," "you should vet that horse before he races," etc.) By the early 1900s, vet had begun to be used as a synonym for evaluate, especially in the context of searching for flaws. [1]

[edit] Political selection

In the United States, a party's presidential nominee must choose a vice-presidential candidate to accompany him or her on the ticket. Prospective vice-presidential candidates must undergo thorough evaluation by a team of advisers acting on behalf of the nominee.[2] In later stages of the vetting process, the team will examine such items as a prospective vice-presidential candidate's finances, personal conduct, and previous coverage in the media.[2]

[edit] Media

In the journalism field, newspaper, periodical, and television news articles or stories may be vetted by fact-checkers, whose job it is to check whether factual assertions made in news copy are correct. However, fact-checking is a time-consuming and costly process, so stories in daily publications are typically not fact-checked. Reporters are expected to check their own facts, sometimes with the aid of an in-house reference library. Information which is verified by two independent sources is commonly stated as fact.

In book publishing, the duty of fact-checking commonly falls to copy editors.

Even when published or televised material is not specifically fact-checked, it is often vetted by a company's legal department to avoid committing


That's kinda what I thought. Just seems like a strange term. I'll volunteer for that :rolleyes: . Wayne P.

p.s. THEN if they want, I'll do the wedding...


Young Ed would be better than the Elitist use of the word "Dodge" in his present handle. He doesn't even come from a city but from Twin Cities, how long must we take his abuse!! :) Eric from Iowa who is tired of having the whole weight of Ed's Minnesota crushing us.


I put twin cities because I actually live in the suburbs but I'm trying to blend in :)

  dodgepu1946 said:
At some point as I grow older is GTk going to have to update my name again to middle aged Ed?

Hate to tell you this young Ed but by the time you are mentally middle aged I dont think GTK will still be running this forum:rolleyes:

  daddyo23 said:
who's going to do the "running mate" interview? Or the "vetting" ( don't know what they mean by that:confused: )

In keeping within the democracy guidelines I believe we must form committies to do the vetting. Any volunteers? Wait....I am in the volunteer state.

  eric wissing said:
Ed, I met peole at college who would say they were from Chicago. Later you found out that they were 60 miles from there! Eric


That is to avoid the.... "I'm from Lakewood".....

to which is responded "huh, where's that??"

"chicago" just west of there....

easier to just say chicago, since its a big area anyways.... cause you'll get the "oh, ok" anyways and on to the next part of the conversation.



I picked up on Coatney's suggestion of a redhead VP and expanded it to include any female members of this forum. Since I have the privilege of having worked closely with a very competent , organized, complementary associate for 10 years I know she would be great for the job. By nature being a redhead she is of course aggressive toward anyone who threatens her president and would be a good lightning rod for any reformer progressive administration. I know she looks better in a dress than I imagine Coatney does so I am officially nominating Carol Craig for the VP position.

  Frank Blackstone said:
I know she looks better in a dress than I imagine Coatney does


How do you know that? You have never seen me in a dress.

I think Young Ed already has another redhead in mind. But I guess he has not seen Carol in a dress either.

  FRANKIE47 said:
DON, please do not wear a mini skirt for your dress, as no one wants to see the undercoatney!


Frankie, that has got to be the statement of the year......!!! :D I'll be chuckling for a while on that one..... or is that up-chuckling.....????



Morning Gents;

I'm sure nobody has had enough coffee yet, but I thought future was spelled that way. Not furture.

I'm not a grammar teacher either and sure enough I do get them wrong too.

Take Care and Have a Blessed Day.. John 47Plevy:D

  1947PLEVY said:
Morning Gents;

I'm sure nobody has had enough coffee yet, but I thought future was spelled that way. Not furture.

I'm not a grammar teacher either and sure enough I do get them wrong too.

Take Care and Have a Blessed Day.. John 47Plevy:D


oh, and I thought the subject was the fer sure president of the POC.. as in yep, that's him.... I guess I was wrong about the southern accent... :D


P.S. Please bear with me on the bad jokes..... :D I'm going to be moving VERY soon and I need something to make sure I don't go nuts..... I hope I don't have to move very often....

  FRANKIE47 said:
DON, please do not wear a mini skirt for your dress, as no one wants to see the undercoatney!


Bet I could sell pictures on the bay:eek: :eek:

This should give everyone something to think about as they are scraping there undercarrage.:D


Please don't Don I'm begging you! Esmey said she would post the winning bid and replace my snap on calender with it!!!! I could'nt concentrate in the workshop knowing you were on the wall leering at me.


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