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Everything posted by Beto0311

  1. Once again. I had the hydromatic trans on my 51 coronet. Its a longer bellhousing, pushing the Xmember back a few inches than the tegular standard 3 speed.. which will work. On a regular 3 speed manual coronet the 883 swap would be have easily done. Thats not the case with the hydromatic trans..
  2. "Floating power" i know that.. its not holding all of it.. the motor is swaying side to side with the current motor mount and the new trans Xmember. The original Xmember mount had to be cut to allow the 883 to sit in place. So now its just the "floating power" bracket/mount and the rear 883 trans Xmember mount.. causing the engine to sway side to side
  3. Has anyone seen or have used (currently) a motor plate as mount on a high performance fathead 6? 230 dodge. Pictures of template would be greatly appreciated... i inquire about it because i removed the hydromatic trans on my 51, inatlled the a883OD, motor was bore out. So it sways side to side. Since it had the hydromatic trans on it, the current bellhousing doesn't have any support now, the Xmember had to be cut out. So the transmission can fit in.... im leaning towards the motor plate option because it seems "easier"??.... so i figured some one has possibly used it before... thanks in advance to the advice and help.
  4. Any more recent updated info on this build/thread?
  5. Man where were you a weel ago. I already purchased one from ohio.
  6. You know anyone that has a spare 833 transmission with the over drive.. im doing the same swap on my 51 coronet. After my 230 gets rebuilt .30 over... i appreciate any info or leads to help my process . Thanks in advance. Cant wait for the next post
  7. Wired up the car to 12v, but when i came across the transmission wiring, it overwhelmed me, so i left it for the last task of wiring. Haven't been able to get it wired correctly to shift normally.
  8. Yes sir its the "gyro matic"
  9. Did anyone actually draw out a schematic diagram of how to wire up these fluid drive tranny? Im still driving the fluid drive in my 51 coronet... please excuse me for reviving an old thread... any pictures/schematic/parts list would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time gentleman
  10. Heres a dumb question gentleman.... has anyone found or drawn a schematic diagram of how to wire up these tachs? Specially on a mini HEI.... any direct links to the repops? Or to the guys that want to get rid of them ? thanks for your time and knowledge
  11. Where about in California... what you looking to get out of it?
  12. Gentlemen, would doing this to the fluid drive trans, also work? Adding a resistor(s) to the tranny, make it shift(work) as it use to? Thanks for you time and knowledge
  13. Yes sir, its intended for my car. And yes its a fluid drive. R10 are NOT common out here in California. Ive been searching your profile and surfing all 300something pages worth of knowledge....
  14. Gentlemen excuse me for reviving a 4-5 yr old thread, but the links that were added on here are no longer available.. when i hit the link it goes to a blank page. Im looking into doing the t5 swap on my 51 coronet... thanks for your time.
  15. Being from o.c California, I travel the 5,91,605,710 freeways in my 51 coronet flathead. And my buddy also in his 49 Plymouth. Bone stock. Little by little we've been getting more "umph" out of the Lhead. Cruising at 65mph slow lane sharing . Some people don't care much and swerve around, others mean mug us. But nothing that the bird can't translate better to show that I don't care.
  16. Hello gentlemen my name is Jose. I'm new to the forum. After reading and surfing the forum so much as a non member, it didn't allow me to surf anymore. I have 51 corenet, just received my Langdons HEI distributor. And after reading the pros and cons. The pros convinced me to get it, but I don't want to have that slight chance of failing on me. So my question is, has anyone actually VIDEO taped the "How to" of the distributor swap ?The car is my daily driver bread winner. Can't afford to take the bus... Thank you for your time and wisdom....
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