Hey guys,
So it's been a while since I posted but I recently decided that simply driving and (barely) stopping was not enough for the Plymouth, and began tearing things apart for a Scarebird disc conversion kit and rewiring most, if not all of the car. I decided to remove the inner and outer fender wall after figuring out that old undercoating was covering most of the mounting bolts, light housings, etc (I'm painstakingly removing this stuff and painting the items). After removing all but one bolt from the outer fender on the driver's side, I realized that someone had welded the outer rocker panel where it butts up to the lower rear portion of the fender. There is bad rust/lack of steel on the cowl (I think this is the correct term) in front of the driver's side door, and I'm guessing some of the mounting/structural surface was compromised. I've attached a few pics links of the issues I mentioned. A couple questions:
Does anyone have a pic of that cowl in it's full form, or a '50 body sheet book with pics? I will probably have to have someone rebuild that for me, as it's out of my skill range at this point I'd say.
In order to get the fender off, should I just take the chop wheel to the weld? Anything to consider when doing this so I don't make more work for myself?
My sympathies to anyone else dealing with REAL rust belt rust, old undercoating, or the copious amounts of dino grease/dirt mix on farm fresh cars