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Everything posted by Fastback50

  1. I'm taking the silence to mean I should just forge ahead and go for it with the cut off wheel I'll update later....
  2. Hey guys, So it's been a while since I posted but I recently decided that simply driving and (barely) stopping was not enough for the Plymouth, and began tearing things apart for a Scarebird disc conversion kit and rewiring most, if not all of the car. I decided to remove the inner and outer fender wall after figuring out that old undercoating was covering most of the mounting bolts, light housings, etc (I'm painstakingly removing this stuff and painting the items). After removing all but one bolt from the outer fender on the driver's side, I realized that someone had welded the outer rocker panel where it butts up to the lower rear portion of the fender. There is bad rust/lack of steel on the cowl (I think this is the correct term) in front of the driver's side door, and I'm guessing some of the mounting/structural surface was compromised. I've attached a few pics links of the issues I mentioned. A couple questions: Does anyone have a pic of that cowl in it's full form, or a '50 body sheet book with pics? I will probably have to have someone rebuild that for me, as it's out of my skill range at this point I'd say. In order to get the fender off, should I just take the chop wheel to the weld? Anything to consider when doing this so I don't make more work for myself? My sympathies to anyone else dealing with REAL rust belt rust, old undercoating, or the copious amounts of dino grease/dirt mix on farm fresh cars http://s61.photobucket.com/user/jxc330/media/IMG_0934_zpstnbvwe8f.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 http://s61.photobucket.com/user/jxc330/media/IMG_0932_zps4vxgkpsx.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 http://s61.photobucket.com/user/jxc330/media/IMG_0901_zpsleh0sjjf.jpg.html?sort=3&o=15
  3. Sorry to hear this...my condolences to his family.
  4. Thanks Casper--ended up ordering some of these with the light bulbs that he throws in free: http://www.ebay.com/itm/160945121361. The pins on those bulbs are indexed so should be easier to find in the future
  5. Yes, the light bulbs in mine have pins directly in line with each other. Went to three places today and can only find sockets with the offset pins. Back to the drawing board on the internet search.
  6. Even still, looks to be in great condition! My '50 literally has parts of the undercarriage that can just be knocked or pulled off lol. It's a loooong work in progress On the oil filter issue, typically these just have the bypass type (heavy metal canister on driver's side of engine), but you can get WIX filters for it still. If you do a search on here you'll find plenty of articles on that. I believe earlier years didn't come with even the bypass filter though, so yours could be one of those. This is a great place to learn a lot and meet some really nice folks.
  7. Great find!! So envious of those that are not in the Rust Belt lol...
  8. Yep, looks that way.
  9. Thanks guys. In that case, my brother's idea to just use the heaviest gauge wire called for in the wiring diagram for the entire car would not be wise, correct? I'm a fairly "by the book" person, so wasn't planning on doing this, but the simplicity of the idea was appealing. I have already bought rolls of several gauges anyway...
  10. Yeah I was worried about the potential for heat, so maybe I'll go the soldering route. If many of you guys have spliced 6 to 12 v without issue then, I'll just move forward. ALMOST have all the lights running on this old gal (knocking loudly on wood). Electrical issues seem to be a game of whack-a-mole Thanks all.
  11. Okay guys---I've Googled, Ebay, and searched the links here for a source for two wire, six volt tail light bulb sockets. Mine are shot with corrosion and need to be replaced. Anybody know who makes these? I can find plenty of two wire, just not in 6 volt....
  12. I agree with the above---I'm just cheap and saving for disc conversion I think at this point, so it's just a matter of time before I probably cough up the $250 for a new steel tank. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a poly replacement made anywhere....
  13. Yeah, There is still a sort of speckled layer of rust on the inside of the tank, but that's flaking off slowly and getting caught by the filter. Not perfect by any means, but it keeps me rolling down the road for now
  14. After much advice from different fellas on here I dropped my tank, filled it with 8 or 9 gallons of white vinegar, let it sit for four days, then took it to the local diy car wash and pressure washed the inside of it. LOTS of rust and gunk had broken free thanks to the vinegar. Then, I put a $2 inline filter on the line just after the tank. So far, I've ran for 4 months without an issue. I've never had an actual clog, but did switch the inline filter out once. I don't know if I'd trust it on a long long trip, but it's a great temporary fix until you decide what you want to do. Great looking car!
  15. That's a great photo! Brave guy--I know the U.S. military was impressed and had a great respect for the ferocity of you guys in combat. Someday I'll definitely be visiting our friends "down under"
  16. Will do!
  17. Thanks for sharing those photos guys--I don't know much about Aussie's except that my grandfather fought next to some of them as a Marine in the Pacific Theater in WWII and thought the world of them. He was also sent to Australia for convalescence after getting wounded and had fond memories of your country and it's citizens. My fiancé and I have you on our bucket list of places to see I really want to do some hunting/fishing if I ever make it down there.
  18. Excellent idea with the hubcap--I have many laying around and may do the same. Much more convenient and clean than the oil bath
  19. Hey all, trying to identify this piece I bought at auction...had to snatch it up when I saw the "Standard", but have no idea if it's referring to Standard Oil or something else. Anybody have an idea? I posted over at OldGas too but haven't heard anything.
  20. So sorry to hear about your loss. My fiancé and I can't have kids and our 9 yr. old German Shepherd IS our kid, basically. I know how they really are part of the family, and dread the day I have to make that drive to the vet with him. Condolences. J
  21. Has anyone been able to find a coil-over set up for the front end on these? I would opt to do that on my '50 Deluxe fastback if it's an option. If not, I'm assuming the Aerostar/8 leaf ESPO set up will work on my car? Anyone know what the proper stock ride height is on these? Thanks all.
  22. Keep the straight eight!
  23. Thanks--I'll give it a shot.
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