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JerseyHarold last won the day on May 25 2024

JerseyHarold had the most liked content!


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  • Gender
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    Freehold, NJ
  • Interests
    Old cars in general, old Plymouths in particular
  • My Project Cars
    52 Plymouth Cambridge


  • Location
    New Jersey
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  • Occupation
    Sales engineer

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  1. I once had a Buick with a misfire no-one could pin down. One night, I opened the hood and started the engine, then misted the engine with a light water spray. There was a very visible arc from a coil pack, which was the source of my problem. Doing something like this may work for you.
  2. Try wiggling all the wires connected to the engine while it's idling (be careful!) and see if doing that makes a difference in the way it runs.
  3. I've heard the term 'fogging oil' used in reference to oil designed for long-term engine storage. Might be worth looking into.
  4. Have you ever checked the coolant temperature sensor or the throttle position sensor?
  5. Check the underside of the under-hood fuse box. I've heard the connections can corrode and give you weird electrical problems.
  6. Just a wild-assed guess, but have you checked that the emergency brake is properly installed and adjusted?
  7. You can make your own clips with some sheet metal and tin snips. I did that on one of my '52's years ago and it worked out well.
  8. Thanks for getting back to me.
  9. I'll eventually need tires to replace the rotted 'rollers' on my car now. What brand did you get and where did you buy them?
  10. Quick way to sort 'em out: The horn ring and stainless windshield trim make it a Cranbrook. The windshield gaskets are different between Cambridge and Cranbrook...the Cranbrook gasket has a groove to accept the trim. I doubt anyone would have gone to the trouble and expense of all that. There are several other tell-tales as well, like a locking glove box and dome light switch for the right front door.
  11. Not trying to be a wise guy, but the seller may not respond to the 'is it still available' push-button. If you write a sentence or two to the seller it may make him respond to you.
  12. Andy, After Pete sold his Plymouth, he got involved with (I believe) a Jeepster. He created a web page for that project and listed the URL in some of his Plymouth posts. Hope this helps. Best regards, Harold
  13. Mounting spot for foot-operated windshield washer pedal?
  14. Good to hear you found a solution. Please post a picture when you put it together.
  15. Here's a painting tip I recently found out about: Cut a slit in the bottom of a paper cup and push the brush handle through it. The cup will catch any drips when the brush is held upside-down. Hope this helps.
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