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Chazz 47

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3 Neutral

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  • Gender
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    southeast mo
  • My Project Cars
    47 p15 special deluxe


  • Location
    Southeast MO
  • Interests
    Old cars and old tractors

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  1. One end looks like an internal pipe nipple extractor.
  2. I'm sorry I should've put fulton Mo. It's between Jefferson City and Columbia.
  3. BobT have you ever been to the one in Fulton?
  4. My 87 chev pickup will shift to neutral from reverse on its own while backing up.
  5. We had stopped there on our way home from gulf shores.
  6. It was an extremely sharp looking car. Does anyone know what the paint code is for that color? When my wife seen it she said she wants to do our p15 in that color.
  7. The plaque that they had there showed that 750 were made between 1946 and 1948. This one was bought as a family car and was still in the same family.
  8. My family stopped at the Automobile Museum in Tupelo MS. There is a lot of different cars there. I would recommend stopping if your in that area. One car that cought my attention was a 47 Chrysler limousine.
  9. Your car looks great by the way.
  10. I don't know. I has seen a flyer for one on saturday and had almost went to it.
  11. Was that the car show in Bonne Terre this weekend?
  12. If your looking at an engine swap using gm you might consider a 4.3 V 6. It basically has the same internals as a 350 but is a little shorter than a 350. I just thought I would give you another option to think about.
  13. I have read where some have used a slide hammer to pull it out. I know that there were some threads about it. I'm not at the point of rebuilding my engine yet so I can't speak from experience.
  14. I belive that behind the water pump is the water distribution tube. You will want to remove and most likely replace it. Someone with more knowledge can correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. I put the nut on backward and drove mine out like that.
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