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Paul Beard

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Everything posted by Paul Beard

  1. According to the plate inside the left door my "53" B4B weight from the factory is 3900 lbs. My truck has a long bed with high sides.
  2. A.A.J. Brake on the links page sells front and rear conversion kits. He will sell all nparts or just what you want and you can buy the rest yourself. I bought his full kit for my "53" B4B front disc and everything works fine with the original M/C.
  3. Happy Memorialm Day to all. Paul USN 7/67 - 12/70
  4. Hopefully someone might be able to help me out. I am looking for a full size pattern for the floor from the toe boards tom the back of the cab. I am not sure if all pilot house cab between "48" & "53" are the same. I am looking for this pattern will be used to replace the floor in my "53" B4B. Upon close inspection my floor is in worse shape than I thought. I am willing to pay postage and any reasonable cost for this pattern. Thanks.
  5. I bought my B4B in 1975 and retirled and tagged it with Antique tags in 1977. I still use it occasionaly and maybe someday I will get the time to do all the body work and paint job. So far it has had two flat black paint jobs. The firts in 1976 the second in 2008. The flat b;lack covers all the other primer spots that wre on the truck when I bought it. Thirty three years with a rebuilt sears engine with maybe 2500 miles.
  6. Dave i do not know if the same company buit both the three and four speed tranny's used in the PH trucks but my four speed is am New Process. The same tranny used in ford trucks with stick shift ( at least in the late seventies and early eightys).
  7. Which weekend in June is this show.
  8. Check and see if the master cylinder has a one way check valve. Said valve does not let fluid back into the master cylinder.
  9. The picture of the shock mount is correct as far as my B4B is concerned. Plate goes under axle and u blost hold axle to springs. Shock mount faces toward inside from both sides with shocks facing up towards the front.
  10. I am not all that familiar with the workings of a regulator so here is my question. are all three contacts inside the regulator supposed to be closed at the same time. If not I guess my regulator is shot. I guess it doesn't matter if it is 6 or 12 volts either.
  11. According to weight rating it is a 1/2 ton truck.
  12. Just about any tire dealer should carry "16"in. tires. Quite a few cars come with "16"in. tires from "2000" on up standard from factory. I had a Pontiac with "16' from factory. Now have Chrysler 300 with "17" from factory. So any reputable tire dealer should carry "16" tires. You just might have to mount them Blackwall out instead of WW out.
  13. New Port Engineering sells a 12 volyt wiper motor that can be used in all "51" to :54" dodge trucks. I do not if they sell 6 volt motors but you can call and ask. New Port Eng. 2760 New Port Rd. Washington Mo. 63090 636-239-1698
  14. Happy Veterans Day to all. Paul Beard US Navy "67" - "70" USS Thomaston LSD 28
  15. General Motors has asked the govt. for 10 billion to buy Chrysler. I heard this on the radio. If gm is losing money why would anyone least of all to govt. lend them money to buy another car comp. that is not doing very goo.
  16. That looks like what is referred to as E-Track used in trailers to secure fgreight from moving. Would probably need plenty of support underneath to hold any weight without bending.
  17. Nothing wrong with getting old because there is only one cure. DEATH.
  18. Merle in Pa. 25 yrs. old or older get Antique Plates. Either 15 or 20 can get Classic Plates. With either you have to re title as Antique or Classic. I am not sure what the restrictions are on Classic but on Antique they are stated as Limited daily use, no night time driving unless you are on the way to or from a car show. I believe both tags are Permement with a one time fee to the state. I titled my truck when they raised the registration cost doubled for trucks. I used to get antique state inspection stickers from a friebd that owns a repair garage but when Pa, went to once a year insp. they did away with Antique insp. Now all Antiques are self insp. and probably better inspected by the owner than most State Insp. Stations in Pa. PS all insoection stations in Pa. are Privately owned but Licensed by the State and mechanics have to be licensed by the state.
  19. My computer must be hungry it seems to have eaten some of my bookmarks. Could someone please list Bruce Horkney's web site for me. Thanks in advance.
  20. I have taken measurements and there is only 7 1/2" between the steering gear box and the cross member. Maybe someone could find a M/C that is only &7 1/4 or 7 3/8 then maybe it would work. By the way that measurement is on "53" B4B.
  21. Does anyone know of a site that you can list a part number and it will tell what the part is. I am trying to look up a ring gear number to find out what gear ratio it is.
  22. Northeast Philadelphia $3.33 per gal. this afternoon. Slowly going down. Could go to New Jersey just across the river and save maybe another .10 or .20 but toll is $2.00. Tank will not hold enough to make the trip worthwhlie.
  23. I am inquiring to ask if anyone knows if the bolts holding the body on to the frame are grade eight or grade five. Will be replacing part of the floor in my truck and I know I will have to unbolt the body and raise it up to cut out old and weld in new. So i might as well replace bolts also. I have plenty of grade five but no grade eight. Knowing this is the best place to ask. Thanks for any info. Paul
  24. From the size I would guess that it is a Large Truck (tractor).
  25. You can buy 1gigabyte of memory for either a laptop or desktop for quite a bit less. Under $50.00 on sale never more than $100.00 off sale.
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