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  • Gender
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    long lake, ny
  • My Project Cars
    1951 B3B


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  • Interests
    classic cars/trucks, fishing, golf

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  1. So sorry.  I just saw your message>  I disappeared rather quickly after closing my interior business. 

    I bought an Airstream and headed west.  I never thought to check this site for messages.  I still have some/most patterns and you're welcome to them.


    Let me know if you still want them


  2. Looking for headliner kit 48 b 1

  3. Thanks everyone got a response just not sure what I am going to do.
  4. I bid $110
  5. I've tried to message jcnida52 member asking if he was still offering his templates for the headliner, door panels, etc but there's been no response. Does anyone have these templates that they might be willing to share?
  6. thanks to 59bisquick he has offered up the parts!
  7. Guys thanks for the discussion but back to my question does anyone know where I might be able to get the lower pieces for my short side panels? Or does anyone have or would consider making templates that I could use to fab some, thx
  8. this is what mine look like at the moment
  9. Yep that's what I have just missing lower pieces. Thanks for confirming I wasn't going nuts!
  10. Hmm interesting, my bed sides are not as tall and they're flat no contour lines.
  11. No I'm talking about the pieces that attach to the bottom of the side panels. These pieces provide access to suspension grease inserts and for movement of the rear spring hangers.
  12. Hi folks I'm looking for the pieces that attach to the bottom of the bed sides . Anyone have any ideas? Thx
  13. I would be very interested in the headliner pattern. I'm planning on starting interior cab work this winter.
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