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Everything posted by Ulu

  1. Those do look very worn.
  2. Yes, there's going to be some "green envy", or "green shame" as they call it in a drought! As long as my meter has the right numbers, the city will not care. I'm kinda off the beaten track, so I wont have to explain to too many.
  3. I don't get this either. My P-15 just has three #2 Phillips screws that go thru the wheel. Stick a shorty screwdriver between the instrument panel & wheel & there they are. Oooohhh...1950 Coronet eh? Does this car have a little "cowl" between the wheel & instrument panel?
  4. OK the Kitchen cistern is in and working, so now on to the shower. I haven't decided how to plumb this shower cistern yet, but I want to build a Japanese style soaking tub in situ from concrete & tile. I'll elevate it a tad to avoid digging up my slab, and it'll have to have a step as my wife is kinda short. I think I'll drain it by gravity siphon to an underground tank, to avoid having a pump in the bath. I'll put a cheap sump pump in the tank to bring the water up to an elevated cistern. I'm going to build a tool shed in the back yard, and I may put it right over the underground tank, with a trap door or such for access. Geeeze...at this rate I may never get back to the P-15.
  5. Ya got 3 scoops in a Float for 19 cents, & it didn't have guar gum or carrageenan in it either. Nowadays we have lots of "fast food workers" but you gotta make yer own soda. I haven't seen a real Soda Jerk since the 60's, when on my 13th birthday we went to Bridgeman's in Duluth MN, & I ate the LaLaPalooza Sundae. It cost over a dollar & it had like a dozen scoops with everything on it & if you ate the whole thing you got a flashy button which served as the eternal testimonial to your act of expensive & self-abusive gluttony. And a grand tummy ache as well but damn the torpedoes...I had to have one! Anyhow, Bridgeman's had real Soda Jerks in the white hats & aprons to whip it all up just like American Graffiti.
  6. I did a prelim test of the dishwasher/cistern #2 system last night. The dishwasher appears to deliver about 8 to 9 gallons with a normal load. That's a lot less than the clothes washer (14 gals on a jumbo load) so that may be just 30~40 gals a week from the dishes. It'll be a bit more when I plumb the left side of the sink to the cistern too. The dishwasher pump will lift water 6 feet, so the back cistern is going to get elevated a bit to help create some water pressure.
  7. Guess how I lost reverse gear on my Evinrude Lark? (electro-magnetic clutches in the trans...) Oh, I feel for ya man. we've all done something like this at some point.
  8. Ulu

    Oil Filter?

    Yeah, my flathead has a home-made bracket which supports an aftermarket filter, with tubes running to ports on the block.
  9. What rich sez, except just run a wire right to the ground of the light which works OK. They're close enough you can hold both ends & see if the weak light gets brighter. If not, check the voltage to the two teminals. Sometimes the little brass contacts, which are soldered to the wires, corrode in the solder joint & develop resistance. If so you'll measure a low voltage there instead of the desired 6.3v.
  10. It keeps dirt out of your oil. That hole communicates directly to the crankcase by the lifter gallery.
  11. Wow...yer havin' too much fun with this thing!
  12. I'm sure I've experienced that syndrome more than once myself . . .
  13. I use spray bottles & rags to wash the cars and motorcycles, but I more often take the truck to a local hand wash place. I wash the boat with a hose, but not lately, as it hasn't been off the trailer in a year now. BTW, it's rained a bit more today, thank Heaven! & I see the news this AM filled with storms and tornadoes east of the Rockies. Texas is certainly getting pummeled. Not here though. We got some gentle rains and a bit of snow is falling on the peaks. There was a small hail but no more. 2 more cisterns are in the works for me. If the lawn dies I'll re-sod someday, but if my trees die I'll be very sad. I have a shower & dishwasher pouring water down the sewer so I've got to get that dishwasher and shower plumbed to the back lawns now! I don't think I can replace 100% of the water I was using on the lawns & trees, but what I can do will save us some real cash in the long run. If the drought continues, water prices will just go up and up here. Starbucks gets their "Ethos" bottled water from Modesto CA city water, but too $$$ & so is switching to Pennsylvania where they can't give it away fast enough today. The price will not reduce however. There's all that shipping you know. (Disclaimer: I don't care about Starbucks & I don't go to Starbucks & in fact I don't drink coffee at all. I switched to tea about 10 years ago.)
  14. HehHeh...yeah...that'd do it. I used to service lots of heavy equipment for a rental company. You should see what gets in the oil bath when someone drives a 12 ton Wisconsin road roller into a canal. (Not me. I had to help winch the damn thing out. Took 4 trucks to do it.) Only time I ever saw a trout come out of the air filter.
  15. Do they still make Moxie? I haven't seen a Moxie since maybe 1965.
  16. Drive a Scout over a washboard road a bit too fast...
  17. It's a different world. We lived in Cape cod when I was young, but I didn't really hear that dialect again until college. My roommate was from Boston, & he had an accent so thick that everyone called him Boston.
  18. I have, and have had wind blast suck oil from them too. The one on my Scout has a small blast shield for that. The industrial ones work very well, and are rather tall so they develop some velocity even at idle. Also they're designed so gravity helps pull the dirt down. On those engines, most of the running hours are at working RPM. You don't idle industrial/commercial engines unnecessarily.
  19. Yahd. It's Doah Yahd. There's no r's in Doah Yahd. Ask about the local man-eatin' partridge. 'Scuse me: Paaatridge. (Only has one r in New England.)
  20. Well, the system is working, and my lawn is surviving on minimal water. So far. I'm catching some of the shower water, and that's going in the cistern too, but I need to mod my shower to make it automatic (read: no buckets.) Once I do that I'll have another 25 gals a day which I can put on my back lawn. Right now I'm only catching about 8 gals of that. Dishwasher? Hmmmm...I'm not sure it uses that much water, but it'd be the easiest to plumb to the outside. With just a little effort I think I can save all my trees and shrubs, & most of the grass.
  21. I didn't know it was a song.
  22. That's the Sahara. We irrigate here, and after 150 years of it we've managed to grow a lot of trees in this desert. But it is still the desert. When you travel you take water. Always. Heat stroke is not fun.
  23. I used to wish that my wife took an interest in my old cars. Nowadays I'm just grateful that she ignores it all and lets me spend whatever I want on them. (Which is only fair, since I make lots more money than she does. ) That's not to say that I spend a fortune. I'm pretty frugal most times. But I don't have to justify what I spend, and she doesn't even ask.
  24. Can't help, but I will say that I had a funny experience with Swiss chocolates and it flopped bigtime. This Swiss gal who was visiting us for dinner ignored the Lindt and Teuscher chocolates I'd bought for dessert, and ate up all the half-as-expensive Ghirardelli chocolates from 'Frisco. My feeling now is that when people travel they don't normally want "home-away-from-home" and they don't want the familiar: they want to try out the local stuff. I remember going to a western college and all the east-coast kids there never drank Bud or Lucky, or Miller or Pabst nor any east-coast beers. They drank Coors, and would smuggle cases of it home in their cars. Funny life huh?
  25. My HS gym coach used to say something similar back in '68: "You can always put on more clothes, but you can only take off so much." The thing is that clothes won't always save you. Lots of fully-clothed people froze to death. Also, since then, everybody bought air conditioning. I remember shoveling tons of snow, and chopping ice all winter. Cars rotting out in 3 years. Walking to school when it was 30 below. Stopping to put on tire chains. Pulling people out of ditches. Getting pulled out of ditches. Putting up storm windows. Plugging in the car heater every night so it'd start in the morning. I'll never live in the snow belt again folks. I've come to prefer the desert.
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