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Everything posted by Ulu

  1. Good day all Crashlerites and Moparerros! IT RAINED TODAY, and I think the Giant Forest is SAVED. ---Imagine me here, dancing around like a demented sourdough who just found the Lost Dutchman--- They were evacuating the mountain communities, but I think they'll mostly have homes to return to now. And my lawn won't suffer from it either. But the Kings Canyon Lodge was lost, and many cabins and houses too. Those can be rebuilt in a few years. The redwoods will re-grow in 20~50 years too. But the giant Sequoia trees take about 2000 years longer. This was not enough rain to end the drought, but I think it saved the trees.
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  2. Make sure you're insured against cats.
  3. It's like the twilight zone in here some days....
  4. Lil' Bizzy sez, "Happy Birthday!"
  5. Umm,...Paul, is it for sale? Where is it sitting?
  6. I'll bet Don or Paul could tell y'all where that steam shovel sits. As for Grass Valley, I've been up there & toured the old mines and museums of the silver mining days. Very cool place.
  7. Hah! I knew it wasn't random.
  8. a few old favorites:
  9. So, Dodgeb4ya, Why is there one odd slotted screw on the timing chain cover? Is that a bleed hole or something?
  10. From the photos I've seen posted, some folks might have an alternate idea of what constitutes patina. Now this (My P15, taken last year) has spider webs, dead bugs, and is certainly elsewise 100% covered with rust and dirt and grease, without a hint of any hoity-toity patina: Here is the same stabilizer bar, repainted, as I installed it on my truck today: I removed every iota of rust, paint and grime, but discovered zero patina.
  11. Ah, but rust is only one component of a fine patina. There's dirt! And bits of organic matter like moss. And random paint splatter is always there. Bird poop etchings and tree sap appliques... It's endless. Patina is our proof that mother nature loves her elements and wants them back. Anyone that tries to preserve patina will have to deal with her, and she can be put off for a spell, but not denied. Any mark we manage to make on her is strictly transitory.
  12. He'll see that leak when the flywheel cover comes off.
  13. Or at least is 64 years old. It could have had anything in it. Anyhow, I was just saying that just because it was 12 volts doesn't mean it was converted to neg ground too. (Doesn't mean it wasn't either.)
  14. Ulu

    Oil Change

    Unless you live "down under" you'll be warm enough for 15w40. If you live in the Dakotas, it might be getting a bit cold for 15w40 by October though. In Minnesota, we changed the oil around Sept and May. Thinner in Sept and thicker in May. Even with multi-weight oils, we changed them because of the -40F winters.
  15. Hell, while yer in there, it'd probably be a good time to swap the main seal anyhow. They're cheap enough, ( and if it doesn't leak yet, it will eventually. ) 'Course you gotta drop the pan and look at all the sludge in the bottom.
  16. It runs either way, but does your heater fan spin backwards? Radio polarity an issue? I never ran the tube radios in my old cars. I kept them for looks and hid a modern 100 watt radio under the seat.
  17. The word "patina" doesn't quite cover this collection.....
  18. Ulu

    Oil Change

    The truth is that almost any modern oil is much better than the oil available in 30's & 40's. Your engine will last longer with a modern oil. In mine I used 15w40 in the summer months here in the desert, and 10w30 in the winter. Rotella is good stuff for the money. One of the best values in motor oil IMO. (Assuming you don't have the semi-automatic trans...) the one way you will hurt an old Plymouth is if you put modern high-detergent oil in an old engine that has run all its life with non-detergent oil. This will loosen up all the dirt in the engine and send it everywhere, Also it'll solvent the varnish and carbon caked on the pistons & rings and when they loosen up it'll probably start smoking. But if your engine has been rebuilt & has always had high-detergent oil, then there's no problem.
  19. LOL Fer God's Sake! Cover yer Noodle!
  20. Is the battery under the offside wing? (Mine was a '64 MG Midget.)
  21. Once the trans is out, and the flywheel cover is off, get the fork & throwout bearing off, and then the clutch and flywheel all come out the bottom. You can buy a flywheel holder to make it easier to remove the bolts, but IMO they're a PITA. If the bolts aren't too tight, you can sometimes just jamb a 2x4 between the ring gear and bellhousing. But I usually just bolt a long steel bar to the flywheel at two of the clutch cover mounting holes.
  22. Maybe, and Maybe not. I had a 12 volt english car that was + ground.
  23. I never heard a battery could be "reverse charged." Lots of people have totally failed to charge their battery, though, when they failed to polarize their new generator.
  24. Wow! You really lucked out after the tornado. The whole car could have been picked up and dropped into the next county in pieces.
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