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rkldesign last won the day on January 25 2020

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78 Excellent

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Napa, Ca
  • Interests
    Bees, old cars, vintage gardens
  • My Project Cars
    1965 Datsun L320 Pickup<br />
    1951 Dodge Route Van

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  • Biography
    Old car guy since I was a kid
  • Occupation
    Bee Keeper


  • Location
    Napa, Ca
  • Interests
    Classic trucks and Coes, Action shooting

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    Been reading your old thread on the route van, especially the one about the daily driver.. I dont do car shows because I believe these old things should be cared for and driven, not pampered... I'd probably do well in CUBA... at any rate. I have a 48 b-1-b that I drive everywhere, even to the dump a few times a year.  One of my favorite old posts was from a guy at hagerty insurance buying an old ford model T and driving it for a year as his daily driver just to bunk the myth that old cars are unreliable. was called something like 365 days of A or similar.. google it....  


    Youd look good in this...


  2. Thanks for all the info, contacted Wilcap and Wayfarer, will see what options I have and post some answers. One thing for sure I will need to replace the ring and pinion to something more realistic. My current ratio is 4.89 or higher. Its a 9-5/8" ring and it looks like my only option will be a 4.30 ring from Vintage Power Wagons. Unless there is any suggestions for another source or third member. Most don't know this but the Routevan has a IRS , Dodge Brothers Style. This is a pic of the last Route Van chassis that i restored in 2014
  3. Here are pics of the hemi
  4. I've picked up a complete 291 hemi from a 1955 Desoto with a powerflite trans attached. If I decide to use another trans, does anyone have any first hand knowledge in this aspect? Manual or automatic is fine. Any past experience is helpful as well. I am putting the hemi in a 1949 Dodge Route Van, better power and gearing to achieve better highway speeds. Thanks, Richard
  5. Updated pics of the van and its progress. Two weeks ago I attended the Sonoma Raceway Laps for Charity. It was fun, got my own pace car and after one lap I had a fan crowd in the stands cheering me on. Looking forward to upgrading the suspension to help it corner better. Look out Herbie!!!!
  6. My 2nd Routevan has a Serial number 84000620 Model B-1-EU-117. I assume that it is 620th RouteVan made. Year it is titled is 1949. Richard Kramer 707-260-5327
  7. My new addition to the herd. 1949 Dodge Routevan, 117" wheelbase model.
  8. My Route Van tops out at 50mph at full throttle, it might be the 4.89 gears in the rear. I did hit 55 once on a slight down hill.......
  9. Like the teva foot on the floor! You need a pedi by the way.........
  10. I too run an optima battery and it has been the best performer so far. I also plan on running two of them bu the second one will be run with so I can solenoids run a 12 air compressor for my air bags.
  11. He should buy my Route Van and install a small kitchen. Richard
  12. Now thats the way to start a project thread! Looking forward to more postings with music that is. Richard
  13. Welcome and look forward to more pics. My ultimate favorite year for the dodge truck. Second to the 1950 Dodge Route Van of course.
  14. And running boards too.
  15. Very nice, I have always liked that model year. I would not change a thing. Unless you have a semi lying around then I would put that in it. Drive it daily! People need to see it. Richard
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