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Everything posted by dezeldoc

  1. As someone who has painted cars for the last 30yrs I can tell you this everything has gotten a lot worse for the guys spraying. I will take any of the old paints over the new stuff anyday! use to be "may cause" now it is "will cause" I went to a air supplied resprator about 12yrs ago and am glad I did.
  2. Here in good ol California by next year everything will be water based. If you want some good reading look up the chemicals used in them and ask witch is worse!
  3. Post up his name so others know to stay away from him that will hurt him more than anything, how many possable sales will he loose that way.
  4. Ebay just refunds the final value fee not the insertion or listing fees, that is how we take it in the shorts.then you pay them all over again to relist the item. I guess you are speaking from lack of selling on ebay?
  5. Ok now as sellers how do we protect our selfs? let others know of a bad buyer (witch by the way I have had plenty)? Do you have any idea how money is lost on non paying bidders? e bay does not care as they get their money no matter what. we as sellers take in the shorts when someone does not pay. I will leave a pos as that is the only way but it will reflect the transaction
  6. I can work with just about anybody as long as their is communication! that is the key thing, don't just ignore people, let them know. If I cannot find a box or something I always let them know so they don't keep waiting. I almost always try and have everything packed and ready so when I get paid the next day it is in the mail. I always treat people the same as I want to be treated.
  7. That reminds me of a 63 impala 4dr I sold to a guy and when I dropped it off he showed me what he was using it for. You could stand behind it and see right through to the grill!! that thing did not have one panel that was not rotted through. I don't know weather he ever got it finished or not lost his phone number.
  8. Give it back HA they are takeing it back by sher numbers! Just remeber when in frisco keep your back to the wall!
  9. I say move on their is more sellers than just him. I have banned several buyers from my auctions but most were for non paying and one for being a scamer. I sold a tach to a guy last week have not heard a thing out of him sent 2 invoiced and on the 7th day sent him a e-mail saying I would report him for non payment, wow! he responds back jumping me and saying I have sent him letters everyday and to go worry about something else I will get my money, but not saying when, I sent him another reminding him of my auction rules all payments must be recived within 7 days and had he just droped me an e-mail saying something insted of ignoring me I would have been fine with that. I have had to many non paying flakes so yes I worry when I don't here something from a buyer. Now thanks to the great new rules a seller has no way of protecting themselfs from these flakes, no way to warn other sellers about them either. I find myself using craigslist more and more( a lot less selling fees FREE)
  10. yeh we felt it up here in Lancaster, knocked out the phones for about 20 minutes.
  11. Now ya went and made me feel old!! Cool site.
  12. WOW their is still someone other than me that has an antique TV!!(well in the shop)
  13. It is called an easment but,,
  14. Not hard at all! The fit pretty well.
  15. It is if you tap into it!! If they came through my yard and would not give me cable it would be a shame when it got cut from doing yard work.
  16. I was not to nice to the first person when they tried reading off a prompt and I let them have it but when the super got on it was different, he was alright and gave me some good advise and I think helped get it done. glad things are starting to turn around for ya. I think it is like going to the DMV, it is a game and you just got to find your way around the maze!
  17. Guys with the HF cabnets watch the pick up tube on there as they are very thin, after using mine for the past year or so it would not pick up the material anymore and went and found 3 big holes in it. I replaced it with a piece of 1/2 black iron pipe now she works!!
  18. Well it went under the knife(or cutting wheel) today, here are a few pics. This is the first time in about 8yrs or more I have worked on it and it felt pretty good. Hope this don't scare anyone!!
  19. A guy down the street from me has a 40 4dr and it is pretty complete but not running and has a few dents. I stoped by the other day to see what he wanted and he said 4950.00 I thought it sounded a little high, what do you guys think?
  20. I'll tell ya why he don't have the bumper back on it's a bitch to remount,nothing to bolt it to without making a frame and ears to mount it to! I would like to see how they installed it. On mine we cut the front frame off at the drop behind the spring pocket and made a new front section out of 2x3 and mounted it to that. still have not made the ears for the bumper, but now that I am working on it again after 9yrs of sitting I guess I will take care of that. The plugs on mine were not to bad at all dut the dist was another story!
  21. Here is another thought ,how can he sell something that is not his? Put it to pp that was and say he does not own it and therefor how can you be held liable for it, how was his ad worded? if it said he owned it and it was clear then it is not as described case closed. I had to get nasty with pp and go to a supervisor to get results try that.
  22. Well the guy calls and says he put it on a pallet and enclosed it with 4 more and said it weighed 330# I told him take some pics and take it apart and send the head and motor in one box and fold up the table and box it up and send it in two packages and shipping should be no more than 110.00. he thought I would not be able to reassemble it:rolleyes: told him don't worry that won't be a problem, so I should have it by the end of next week. shel_bizzy_48, as far as leaving him negative his discounts are based on that and it will take away any he is getting, if pp was tied to your credit card call them and make a claim with them.
  23. Yes if you can shoot me a pic or two that would be great! Thanks
  24. I'm in the high desert of California, As soon as the motor goes in I will post some up!
  25. When I got the car it had a /6 in it and it was tired so in went the 440. the 6 was a good fit except the side panel was cut for the alt. I have a /6 that my kid built for his 64 Valiant that went low 12's! it is going to be stock except for dress up parts.
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