I say move on their is more sellers than just him. I have banned several buyers from my auctions but most were for non paying and one for being a scamer. I sold a tach to a guy last week have not heard a thing out of him sent 2 invoiced and on the 7th day sent him a e-mail saying I would report him for non payment, wow! he responds back jumping me and saying I have sent him letters everyday and to go worry about something else I will get my money, but not saying when, I sent him another reminding him of my auction rules all payments must be recived within 7 days and had he just droped me an e-mail saying something insted of ignoring me I would have been fine with that. I have had to many non paying flakes so yes I worry when I don't here something from a buyer. Now thanks to the great new rules a seller has no way of protecting themselfs from these flakes, no way to warn other sellers about them either. I find myself using craigslist more and more( a lot less selling fees FREE)