That brings up another point, you do not have to provide them with 3 estimates, just the one from the repair shop of YOUR choice. they will try and get 3 but tell them here is the shop i want to repair my car, end of story.
Here is another angle, since the fuel filter was the cause why not contact them and tell them their product failed and see what they say, and be sure to remind them that the NTSB does not like to here these kind of things.
This is kind of a cheap shot on a shop, but get one to write a good estimate and then tell the insurance to cough up the check to you and only you as you do not have a lien holder. then do the work yourself. no law says you have to have a shop do the repairs, but if you try and convince them you are going to do the repairs you will be low balled, just the way it is. another way would be to get some very high estimates and let them total it out, get the pay out and buy it back, you should come out ahead that way. 35+ years doing this and dealing with the ins co and let me tell you they are a pain in the butt!
First off take it to your shop that you want to have fix it, have them write an estimate and have the insurance come to them and hash it out with them. The insurance co will always low ball it if you do not have any estimates to provide them. the hours seem low to me and they should cover any thing that was damaged in the fire, might have to take a cut for mileage on some of it though. don't forget all that mess from the extinguisher needs to be cleaned off and someone has to pay for it, and i am sure you don't want to.
Joe, if you and bebop can get together i could bring the two up and may have a haul back.
I am leaving in the AM going to Oregon to pick up a 37 Chevy, and also on the way back picking up a 57 chevy cab for another guy, should be back Friday in time for the guy to make cruse night with the 37. What part of Minnesota is it going? Might be interested in doing it.
Thats why you need a lathe on hand so you can turn one down real quick and solve that dilemma!
PS had you asked me on the master i could have told you it would sit higher, been there done that!
I always buy the sets less hassle and they are matched. Dan, just because they fit the rotor does not mean they are in the spacer right, that is why i said to put them on by hand and see how they fit. Have you checked the spindle to see if they are bent? i am thinking the bearing or something it that section is the problem not much else i can think of would do that.
Don. most after market rotors DO come with races installed, but sometimes the race is the wrong taper. I always use the race that comes with the bearing as they are a matched set. If you look at the pic Don posted of his spacer you will notice it is almost square on the point where the bearing goes on making it very difficult to get it on right. take that bearing and put it on the spacer and see if it goes on as i stated earlier and also see if it seats all the way to the back of the spacer. Also try putting the rotor on without the seal and look at how everything fits and see if something looks amiss.
Also try putting the bearing on by itself by hand to see how tight it is on the spindle, it does not take much and it will c@ck off one way or another. if you have a hard time putting it on by hand, it will be almost impossible to do with the rotor on. also what does the leading edge of the spacer look like, is it tapered, rounded, sharp or what? it may not be letting the bearing go on easy.
Also is the bearing going on square? i have had times when the bearing would c@ck to one side and everything would tighten up fine but would shift around when it had weight on it, took some time to figure that one out!
My bet is you do not have the spacer on all the way, they are a bitch to get on. most times i heat the spacer in the oven and put the spindle in the freezer then put them together, that way the spindle will shrink and the spacer will expand makes it much easier to get on. No the toe out will not do it but it will scuff the snott out of the tires.
Oh no i would go it one better, a 57 Bel air stuffed with a blown 440/727, then for the heck of it do the same with a ZR1 vette! That ought to turn their stomach! :D
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