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50 coupe

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Everything posted by 50 coupe

  1. Is that your gas line you're hanging that stuff from? Must be a code violation somewhere. Hahahaha.
  2. Nice. How old is that Snap-On box?
  3. Cast iron welding rod, ok that makes sense. Thanks for the info and tips on prep and technique Knuckleharley!
  4. Has anyone here made their own split exhaust manifolds? Wondering what brazing rod you used and other tips you could pass along?
  5. Don't hesitate to post more pics of your rebuild. These are always fun to follow.
  6. Ha! Looks like the solution to my KingPin saga is in sight....
  7. That reminds me, I need to order cable for my ebrake. Maybe new ebrake shoes etc. I see Bernbaum has them. Anyone have an experience with these items from them? How bout fit and function? Or is this another item I should look to NOS for? Thanks
  8. You referring to the upper inner or outer control arm pin/shafts? Your service manual will have pics and basic instructions for pulling the assembly. If you are replacing the seals, you may just as well replace the outer pin or inner bushings since you will have to disassemble to get to the seals. I would recommend finding NOS parts, many of the new repop. stuff isn't very reliable.
  9. Hey, Dodgeb4ya, where did you find the NOS Miller KP reamer? I can't find anything other than 'made in india' adjustable hand reamers!
  10. The first shop over honed. The second shop did them right the first time, but then I discovered that the pins I received in the new kingpin kit was just a bit over sized. Enough so that I couldn't get the driver's side through the upright. So, I got another set of bushing and had them install and hone to the old pin. However, this time they over honed. They were supposed to get new bushings and do it again but after the spindle sat there for three weeks and giving me a song and dance about 'the parts should be in tomorrow (every time I called)' I just went in and got the spindle and pin back before they lost it. Told them to call me when they get the bushings but I am doing it myself at this point. Going forward, I will only source NOS parts if available regardless of price, when necessary. As far as machine work, guess I am still looking for a 'competent' shop here in central Indiana.
  11. From the album: 50 Coupe

    I do actually drive this thing some......
  12. From the album: 50 Coupe

    last resort king pin bushing technique
  13. OK, for posterity sake, I was able to get the old bushings out using a length of 3/8 all-thread, a couple of bolts and hardened washers. The O.D. of the washer that fit perfectly on the bushing inside the kingpin opening in the spindle is 5/16. Held one end bolt with a box wrench and used an 'O' ratchet to turn and push out the bushing. I had 1" long spacer between the washer and the bolt. Eased them out nicely. I assume I will be able to use the same method to insert the new bushings when I get them. Wish I tried this myself a couple of months ago but live and learn. If anyone has suggestions on a source for a proper reamer, please let me know. I don't want to hassle with another machine shop.
  14. OK, here I am 3 months, 3 sets for bushing and 2 machine shops later, looks like I am on my own. Since I can't seem to get anyone to do this right I will have to do it myself. Long story short, I will need to remove the bushings and install new ones myself. I have a 12 ton shop press, should I use it or make a rig using bolts, washers and all-thread to get the old ones out/new ones in? Also, what is the best source for a proper line reamer? Thanks guys.
  15. As 'simple' as these motors are, it is easy to get the dizzy 180 out of wack. Ask me how I know.....
  16. I found several 2 wire sockets at my local auto parts store when I needed them.
  17. Try Butch's Cool Stuff site. They sell engine and trans mount swap kits. Don't know if they offer a kit for your application but maybe they could give you some insight. http://www.butchscoolstuff.com/eng-trans-mounting-kits-4/
  18. Since I have the spindle, upright and upper control arms all off the car to do new upper outer pins, I was thinking of installing control arms on the upright while on the bench then install as one assembly. Anyone have thoughts or experience with this method, pros or cons versus putting arms on after upright back on the lower control arm on the car?
  19. anyone else have any thoughts on this issue?
  20. Got the upper, outer pin and bushing kit from amsnos. Funny to see parts in the old boxes. Haha. Anyway, the included instructions and the diagram in my service manual indicate that the 'hexagon' side of the eccentric should be toward the 'front' of the car on the upper support. The ones on my car appear to have the hex on the 'rear' side. When I fit the eccentric in the top of the support, I can't see that it makes a difference. Anyone know if it does???
  21. 98 explorer Disc rear end on a 50 coupe. Using stock 15" stealies, no problem.
  22. Ditto here for a 50 Coupe. Using '98 Explorer disc brake rear end and Ply. factory wheel. No problem.
  23. Good to hear. Waiting to hear back from them on their prices for a couple of Upper,Outer control arm pin kits.
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