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Bingster last won the day on December 19 2023

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  • My Project Cars
    1947 Desoto

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    Singer/Songwriter in my youth. Author of two books. Professional photographer, cabinet maker and des
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    God. Cars

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  1. I got a NOS hood ornament for my 47 DeSoto from him.
  2. I had the starter for my '47 DeSoto rebuilt. We tried to start the car and it did start, but I didn't realize that it started and kept trying to start it while the engine was running. Now the starter spins with no engagement. Could that have messed up the starter?
  3. hello,

    I had a 3D printer scan done of my plastic signal housing and uploaded the file here for everyone to use.


    Bring it to a 3D printer near you.  Then paint in the correct color. Good luck!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Conn47D24


      My orginal with bad paint and crakes


    3. Conn47D24


      I just uploaded the 3D scan file to this site. Template section in Downloads

    4. Bingster


      Thanks. That's really extraordinary.

  4. Thanks!
  5. How much does it cost for a professional to replace the headliner?
  6. Thanks for the parts drawing.
  7. You can see the yoke assembly "plate" to the right of the gear. I can see where there is a small kind of "tab" connected at the top of the yoke assembly with a pin of some sort. On my starter that pin is not connected with the yoke assembly because the pin must have fallen out. I wonder if I insert a new pin if it'll work.
  8. I started the car about a month ago and when we went to start it yesterday the starter spun but did engage. The only thing that I see wrong is that the yoke assembly plate seems to be missing a screw or pin that attaches to a piece of metal with a hole that matches up to the yoke assembly. The yoke must push that piece of metal into the starter. I could not see an accurate drawing of the yoke in parts books or repair manual. It doesn't show that metal "tab."
  9. After saying I would never rebuild a carb, I rebuilt one just like the one you have. And yes, there looks like a gas leak from the orange streaks. I didn't put any sealant on the gaskets because they didn't recommend it if I had to get back in it for some reason. Before I rebuilt it we did start it for a few seconds. I am hoping to get another chance when the weather gets a tad warmer. The interior of the carb wasn't too bad, but some orifices were rather heavy with crap inside. Had to ream them out. Its as clean as a whistle so I just hope I've adjusted everything correctly. Float, etc. My car is a 47 DeSoto Custom and the body looks the same as yours with the exception of the grille. Would like to see more photos of the interior, etc.
  10. Seeing how this post is non-political and directly affects our hobby via taxes and such, I would like it to be posted here. I purposely do not sell on eBay or any on-line seller anymore. I don't want my extra income available to whomever as a red flag. For our hobby, eBay and others like it are like an online garage sale. Maybe there should be separate categories for used and new.
  11. I would have to say offhand to Google the names of the parts you have circled, such as ______(year) D-46 solenoid, interrupter switch, etc. and they should have photos, or get a parts book or repair manual and take a look. Those diagrams seem very confusing at first, but you have to read them carefully and follow the wires and read the colors. Most everything on that diagram has a photo of it somewhere, including on here. There are also full color diagrams if you Google them, and somebody on here had one for my DeSoto 1947. Good luck.
  12. I did an internet search and yes, you guys are right. There are places that have these covers, and they are cheap. I cannot speak for their quality, but I have to think that those like me who want cheap covers are looking for something that they can throw over their front seat to be able to drive the car.
  13. Used to be stores like Grand Auto or Western Auto had that kind of stuff. I'd like to know as well where to get seat covers.
  14. Well, I have to put the carb in solution to clean it before taking it apart. If I disconnect the throttle linkage at the "elbow" where it leads to the pedal, I'll have a long rod sticking out of the carb. Not too conducive for dropping the carb into solution, which by the way, Mike's Carb says to use Simple Green. Auto stores sell a gallon of a special cleaning solution that comes with a basket for fifty bucks compared with a gallon of Green for ten. Mike's listed other choices for solution, but said Simple Green will do the job.
  15. I just answered my own question!
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