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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. I entered my first show today and placed 3rd place in my category !!! The show was at bellmont race track (horse track) in long island NY. I did not know that they wanted to see first aid kits and fire extinguishers in every car so I guess I will get them for next time and maybe place higher. I was parked next to a black 1947 4dr plymouth that placed 1st. GOOD DAY FOR MOPAR !!!
  2. aero3113

    218 Hp

    What is the horse power for a stock 218?
  3. I would say we had about 25-30 kids come by today
  4. are most of them universal for different years?
  5. Nice, thats what I will do !!
  6. I cleaned the transmission and it looks like there is a hole in the front of the transmission that has a slight leak. I think I read in a past post that it is the same size as a dime and to seal one in it. Anyone ever do the dime trick or just use some sealant?
  7. Anyone have a picture of one for a 1950 plymouth
  8. $2.77 Long Island N.Y. Today
  9. aero3113


    Is there anyway to keep good chrome from pitting?
  10. Nice 50 plymouth if anyone is intersted http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth-Special-Deluxe-4-Door-Sedan-1950-Plymouth-Special-deluxe-sedan-4-door_W0QQitemZ130265109263QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item130265109263&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A727%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1308
  11. aero3113


    Hows your oil pressure? I run castrol 20w-50 and some lucas oil stabilizer. works great.
  12. Is the crome emblem on the trunk of a 50 Dodge the same as a 50 Plymouth?
  13. Could service the rear end also
  14. when is the last time the transmission was serviced? But I think it is your fan,they can make alot of noise.
  15. yes I know that but right now dont have the time to pull the trans just want a quick fix till I get around to it.
  16. Dont need new tires,when I bought the car last year it had new tires on it, they just have a small white wall. I like the looks of a wide white wall better.
  17. I drained and filled it last october, got under the car the other day and had to add about 1/2 quart of gear oil. Thats why I think it is leaking.
  18. 50 Plymouth 3 speed
  19. I think my transmission is leaking a little bit, I want to use Lucas stop leak in it, should I put the whole bottle in it?
  20. Ill give them a call,Thanks
  21. Thought you guys mught like this http://store.honestcharley.com/flatheads-forever.html
  22. Anyone use them if so how do you like them?
  23. Thanks for the info
  24. Looking for a good pair of 1950 plymouth stone guards,anyone have a pair they want to sell? I have 2 on my car just pitted bad and one has a crack.
  25. I would say I would go half with someone because I would only need one.But I do not think they will work on a 50 plymouth any ideas?
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