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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. Anyone see the movie Christine? Its about a haunted 1958 plymouth Fury, if not you guys should see it for a good laugh.
  2. For the valve covers you can use an old socket and put a cut down the middle to allow the thumb screw to fit in the socket.
  3. We call ours "Betty"
  4. I feel the same way
  5. You guys check out the new "old plymouths" site yet?http://www.oldplymouths.com/forums/index.php?act=home
  6. Should I use the timing light at idle or rev the engine at all?
  7. Any thoughts ?
  8. Well it was way off doing it by hand.I put the timing light on it and the mark was to the left of the pointer by 8 deg.I set it to top dead center now.For two deg. before tdc should the mark be to the left or right of the pointer? Or which way should I turn the distrubitor?
  9. Will do
  10. Right now I set it to top dead center with the points open a little.I also will tune it with a timing light but am still waiting on getting my raidator back.
  11. Do you guys use a 50/50 premix from the store or do you mix it yourself?
  12. Is this true? http://www.stovebolt.com/techtips/timinglight.html Anyone use a 12 volt timing light on a six volt system?
  13. ok, I will try what Jim recomends it will be a little while before I get to try it out. I have my radiator off to get a leak fixed.Thanks guys
  14. I thought you line the pointer to the second line to the right of dead center?then rotate the distributor so the points are open.I just want to static time and I read that 2 deg. before tdc helps the engine run cooler.
  15. are the points supposed to be open?
  16. I read in other posts that these engines like to be timed 2 deg. before dead center,at two deg. where should the points be?On my engine the rotor is at about 7:00 and the points are open is this right?
  17. The one on the 54 looks like it would work just fine.Anyone know where I can get one?
  18. Anyone run with a six bladed fan?Any benifit? If so, what would work on a 1950 Plymouth 218.Thanks,Keith.
  19. Glad my input worked for you.Its amaizing how somthing so simple can make you go crazy!!
  20. Check your points.My 50 was running hot,the points were way off I readjusted and now its running cooler.
  21. Hey guys sorry it took so long for me to get back to you,I had to go away for work.Today I had a chance to do some work on the 50 plymouth and first thing I did was check the points . They were way off, didnt even look like they were opening when I cranked the engine.I adjusted them to .020 went for a ride and all seems to be good now. Could the points not being adjusted correctly cause it to run hot?
  22. I will take a bunch of readings tomorrow and let you know.What temps should I look for at different areas of the motor?Temps have been around 75-80 here on long island.
  23. I may not be running too hot I used a lazer temp gauge and it reads just over 200. I think that seeing the indicator right on the hot mark is scaring me.
  24. I am currently using a 180 stat. Should I put a lower say 160 in for the summer?I noticed that the car is running hot with the summer heat.Thanks in advance.
  25. I would be interested in a 6 volt vibrator tube for a mopar 604 if anyone has one.
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