I have decided that i drive the car enough that i want to install a/c and this means i need to upgrade to 12v.
1.) what is the advantage of a 12v alternator over a 12v generator? if i went for a generator for the original look what would i need to do with the exg. external voltage regulator? will i need a new 12vt one? is it specific to negative ground or positive ground? do they have a 12 volt negative alternator? what part numbers?
2.) i will need 4- resistors, wiper, heater, fuel guage, and possible radio. Does it matter where these are installed? any part recomendations(AC Delco U1745 ))
3.) i need a new coil. any good part numbers? (AC Delco P/N U515 )what else will i need? will i need a ballast resistor or condensor
4.) does any one have a cross ref for lights?
5.) will i need a new horn relay, or flasher relay? Part #'s?