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10 Good

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    : Long Island, New York
  • Interests
    Always had a passion for the looks, sounds and smell of these vehicles....
  • My Project Cars
    ...a mopar project...

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    Always had a passion for the looks, sounds and smell of these vehicles....
  • Occupation
    Information Tech.


  • Location
    Long Island, New York
  • Interests
    ...a mopar project...
  1. Don, the information was listed in my profile, oddly not displaying in the thread view. I think I have sorted that out now. Wish you all well with the upcoming storm.
  2. As stated time and time again, thank you for sharing. A craftsman you are indeed.
  3. Nothing accumulated here as of yet. I did see what appeared to be flakes coming down a little while ago, but they were miniscule. We are experiencing some pretty good gusts of wind though, so I am hoping for the best here.
  4. Great story, thanks for sharing.
  5. Speechless.....
  6. Long Island, NY....would love to meet some more Mopar hobbyists......
  7. Awesome videos, thanks for sharing...they really do capture such a great time period..
  8. Looking really nice, great work.
  9. Experiencing permission errors when accessing attached pictures on the for sale subset. I believe its already reported, but wanted to also share it here. Thank you for the great forum.
  10. Very frightening sight.....hope everyone is okay.
  11. Maybe a pic of NYC street, almost seems like this intersection... http://www.bing.com/maps/?FORM=Z9LH4#JnE9LlclMmIxNCUyYnN0cmVldCUyYmFuZCUyYmh1ZHNvbiUyYnN0cmVldCUyYm55JTdlc3N0LjAlN2VwZy4xJmJiPTQwLjc0MzEwMTk3NDI1ODUlN2UtNzMuOTk4Njk3MTUyNTIxNCU3ZTQwLjczNjM3MTEyNTA4MzQlN2UtNzQuMDA5Mjg2NTEzNzEyMg== Considered the meatpacking district in downtown manhattan, new yorkdurst finitely a lot of movement during that time period and that picture would be very fitting to the area.....
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