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Jim Yergin

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Everything posted by Jim Yergin

  1. There was some discussion on another thread about finding a 6 volt battery tender. I just happened to come across an ad in Car Collector magazine for this company that sells them for $20. Don't know anything else about them. Just thought I would pass the info on. Jim Yergin http://www.lectriclimited.com/mainpage.htm
  2. Nice to hear when good things happen to good people. Jim Yergin
  3. I would suspect that the problem is the "O" in "NOS" ("New Old Stock"). The part may never have been used (i.e. "New") but, based on the date it was made, it is still old and probably the rubber parts have deteriorated from age. Maybe all you need is a rebuild of the wheel cylinder with new parts? Jim Yergin
  4. Are you sure about that Rodney? Jim Yergin
  5. How about a child's wading pool? Jim Yergin
  6. Thank you for your compliment BloodyKnuckles. Jim Yergin
  7. Try forum member Charlie Akers at http://www.rustyhope.com/page2.html Jim Yergin
  8. As requested. Jim Yergin
  9. Rodney, Better get started if you are going to make it to Sully. Sorry to hear you were sick but glad you are now feeling better. Jim Yergin
  10. Looks good John. I bet I can be certain that you did not get the fuzzy dice from Don. Jim Yergin
  11. Fred, I installed new 00 battery cables from Brillman's and my starter was still sluggish. Then I remembered what Brillman's told me when I purchased the cables. They told me to be sure and clean up the surfaces where the starter meets the bell housing to insure a good ground connection. Made a big difference in my car. Jim Yergin
  12. Nice sunny but cold day yesterday and drove my car to and from a busines meeting. About 80 miles round trip. Weekend doesn't look so good so probably stay in the garage until next week. Jim Yergin
  13. Paul. For sleeving the m/c you might want to check out this company. http://www.applehydraulics.com/ I used them and was pleased with the price, the work and the quick turn around. Jim Yergin
  14. Thank you all. Sounds like something to do to lessen the "cresting the waves feel." Jim Yergin
  15. I have a question about the relocation of the front shocks using the parts that Charlie sells. I understand that the relocation is suposed to improve the handling of the car. My question is what specific improvement will there be? Now that I am able to drive my car I am aware that it is not a modern car and does not handle accordingly (though the four wheel disc brakes sure do help). Sometimes it feels like a boat riding on the waves. Would the relocation of the front shocks affect that tendency? My front end has been rebuilt and I have new shocks all the way around. Jim Yergin
  16. Nice weather here in Virginia for a good part of the weekend. Gave me a chance to drive my '41 wagon. Took my wife and daughter on several shopping trips to neighboring towns. They were hesitant at first out of fear that we would break down but by the end of the day they were comfortable enough to actually fall asleep on the way home. My daughter got a kick out of the smiles and thumbs up from the passing drivers. Drove over 100 miles without a problem. It amazes me to be able to do that with an engine I had in pieces and put back together myself. Car ran great. Even with the 4.3 rearend the car had no trouble doing 60 mph at around 3000 rpm. I look forward to fixing the overdrive transmission and seeing what that will do. Can you tell I am having fun? Jim Yergin
  17. If you plan on changing to the standard three speed, you should check the pilot bushing in your engine. It may not have one and the opening for the bushing in the end of the crank may need to be machined to open it up to receive a pilot bushing. I found that to be the case with the Dodge fluid drive crankshaft I used to build my 230. I ended up reducing the outside diameter of the pilot bushing to get it to fit. Jim Yergin
  18. Nice work Joe. Jim Yergin
  19. Benjamin, Who did the conversion for you and how much did it cost? Thanks. Jim Yergin
  20. Like Joe, I had good luck with Vintage Power Wagons as well as with eBay. Len Dawson at Deception Pass Motors can also be a good source. I waited for the shop doing the machine work to tell me what I needed then I located the parts. Jim Yergin
  21. Fred, At least for me, with these cars, it is as much about the process as it is about the finished product. Have fun, enjoy the step by step accomplishments, no need to hurry. Jim Yergin
  22. Really coming along Fred. Looks great. Nice work. Jim Yergin
  23. Rodney, I followed your suggestion and got a donut exhaust gasket. It appears to be working. Nice to have the car running quieter again. Been sunny and fairly warm here the past couple of days and have been driving the car to work. Jim Yergin
  24. Rodney, I followed the same thinking as Normspeed. Too many horror stories about peeling coatings. Rightly or wrongly I decided to rely solely on the effect of the phosphoric acid I used to clean the tank to give the bare metal some protection but chose not to do anything more. Just recently one of the members of our local woodie chapter had a problem with the gas tank in his Dearborn award winning 1939 Ford wagon. He had had the tank cleaned and coated but after a couple of years the coating peeled off and clogged his fuel system. Jim Yergin
  25. Frankie, If I were really ambitious I would do that but rather than dropping the gas tank I think it is easier for me to just remember where empty is on the gauge. Have a Merry Christmas. Jim Yergin
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