Unless you backed off the bolt after marking its final position and then tried the other torque wrenches, all you've proven so far is that your click-stop wrench won't overtighten a bolt, you haven't proven that it will tighten up a bolt enough. It may have clicked at 40 lb-ft for all you know.
Consider wheel lugnuts. If the idiot runs them on with an impact gun he may tighten them up to 150 ft-lb, then he puts on the torque wrench set at 80 and it clicks without moving the lugnut. All you've proven is that the lugnut is torqued to at least 80, even though it may be double that. Even if they use torque-sticks, if the lugnut doesn't move with the click-stop wrench, I always go home, loosen all of the lugnuts, and then progressively tighten them back up with a torque wrench, usually in three steps (say 50, then 65, lastly 80). That way I know they aren't overtorqued.