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About Dieselj99

  • Birthday 07/14/1970


  • Location
    Ray Michigan
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  • Occupation
    Graphic Artist

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  1. I wish I could find one like that.
  2. Pm sent on the grille bars.
  3. I can't wait to see what you have for sale. Nice find.
  4. Thanks for the info Merle. I've been looking for these for a while. Everyone wants top dollar for them and this is a great alternative to the original.
  5. Count me in. Thanks for you working on this.
  6. Any idea what the orange flat bed is in the second set of pics?
  7. Do you have a direct link to the auction. When I used the link it came up with mattress auctions.
  8. Very nice. Thanks for your hard work.
  9. I love the picture of the long road. What was your average speed?
  10. Ok guys, with all the information on this site I still cannot figure out which door handle is correct. So I will ask this question. Which handle is correct for a 1950 Pilothouse, green or yellow?
  11. Wow, what a thread. I will chime in and lend a hand. This might be what you are looking for. http://forums.aaca.org/f143/window-crank-door-handle-source-313583.html
  12. We are gettting ready for our annual falll bon fire. So I got the truck out and moved some pallets.
  13. Damn! I wish there was a place in Michigan like that.
  14. Maybe you can post a picture to help identify your gasket.
  15. That's awsome! You should keep them together. I wish I had found something like that.
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