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  • Biography
    41 Plymouth P11D, 52 Dodge B3FA
  • Occupation
    Police LT


  • Location
    central Texas - 41P11D, 52B3FA
  • Interests
    old iron and new wood

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  1. Do a forum search for 'fender filler'. There is a rubber molding that fits in there to fill the gap and there was a rather lengthy discussion of a suitable part for it. I believe the part was actually a F%$# part but it works for these trucks.
  2. Is that the same as cerebral flatulence?
  3. That's the general idea but there should be a very specific sequence listed in your shop manual. My 41 assigns the bolts?nuts a number and then shows the sequence. I believe it starts in the center and works its way around. If you don't have anything like this in your books, let me know and I'll try to scan my book for you.
  4. Fred, Look into getting the Bristle Disks from 3M. Much better at stripping the paint you have. They're more expensive than what you have but last longer and work better. Several grits available. The 60 grit will eliminate that paint and leave a primer ready finish behind.
  5. The logo on the hat says it all!:D
  6. The shifter on my 52 was a 3/8" x 24 thread. It's the same as the '65 tranny I put in into it later.
  7. Hey Fred, Could you send some of that cool weather down this way? My thermometer read 98 this afternoon when I came in from the garage. This morning started out pretty cool at around 72 but changed quickly. If I remember correctly, winter was on a Thursday this year! AnthonyB
  8. As long as she sticks to only pecans.......
  9. $2.95 around here.
  10. Andy, I don't know about any other years, but the 318 poly I put in my truck has hydraulic lifters. The engine/tranny combo came out of a 65 D400 truck.
  11. Tom, I had a similar problem with my 41. I know I have a few extra wheels in a box somewhere. I'll take a look when I get back home. AnthonyB
  12. Was wondering when this would get fired up again. 75 here today but supposed to get down around freezing Thursday morning. I'm going to miss it as we'll be in Vegas.
  13. Here's a pic of my beast. 41 P11D.
  14. Dan, I forgot I saved a copy of the pic that Pete posted. Here it is and you can read the label for all the info. It is a Uni Motor and the numbers are 14560 12V 01134. I gave this info to the parts clerk and she crossed it to the number I gave you before. Hope this gets you what you are looking for. AnthonyB
  15. Dan, I just bought one from O'Reilly. It's the same one Pete Anderson (Blueskies) showed as a direct replacement some time back. It is the same size as the 6V motor and can be wired to run either direction. The part number is MRY 35560. Made in Canada. Cost was $25.99 plus shipping. I'm sure most other parts places could get the same thing. AnthonyB
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