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Everything posted by Big_John

  1. Saw this on the HAMB. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2011154/Worlds-remaining-Ghost-car-headed-auction--incredible-images-Plexiglas-Pontiac-expected-fetch-500-000.html?ito1490
  2. Have you checked the valve lash?
  3. I was going to go, but too much going on right now. I go every couple of years and enjoy the show and poking around the vendor area. I see a lot of old friends, eat the wrong things, spend too much money, get sun burnt and generally have a good time. While it's mostly muscle cars, there's a little bit of everything there.
  4. A couple of my customers have those, although I've never seen the different colors. Most use them to build pre-production models, but some use them to build casting patterns. Amazing stuff!
  5. I gotta say I've never had any desire to work up on scaffolding. Being a bit clumsy (OK... real clumsy) and having a respect (OK... fear) of heights has managed to keep me from doing a lot of work on scaffolding or ladders. While I still do all my plumbing and electrical, I've reached a point in my life where if something like that needs to be done, I point and ask "how much?"
  6. While not as bad as Andersonville, the Union prison camp in Elmira, NY had horrible conditions too. Not many know of this, but in the 12 months they were in use, they lost 25% of their prisioners to disease, malnutrion and exposure. The first one of my family to come to the US (1760) from Germany fought in the revolution, volunteering at the age of 38. He served in the Orange County Militia, 4th regiment.
  7. I hope I never get that old.
  8. I had some floor pans from Classic2current for my Chrysler. I have to say that I wasn't impressed. I had someone else do the installation (hillbilly4008 on this forum) and it worked out OK, but I would have liked something better.
  9. Probably because of the Canadian Postal strike.
  10. Yea, poutine (french fries with gravy and cheese curds) is as good as it sounds... not really good for you though.. but a lot of stuff that's not good for you tastes really good. I never could develope a taste for grits. My wife, having lived a bit in the south, tolerates them a bit more then I do, but she thinks you really have to be brought up in the south to actually like them. Greg... Loaded fries were a big seller at the pizza shop my sons had... Pizza with chicken, bacon and ranch dressing was a big seller too...
  11. Next thing you know we'll all be eating poutine!
  12. You could stop in Utica and get some Chicken Riggies, Syracuse for Salt Pototoes and get a Garbage Plate in Rochester on the way! BTW, I like the bridge and dog pictures too!
  13. mmmm.... beef on weck.... mmmm
  14. Buffalo smells like Cheerios on a good day? Guess I've never been there on a good day!
  15. I know the guy with the truck. Let's just say you might need to take what he claims about all his cars with a grain of salt. Nice cars though...
  16. I was having eye surgery (retina tear) and ALL the pre-op paperwork kept refering to the wrong eye. I corrected it everytime I saw it, but I was still pretty concerned up until I was talking to the doc just before they wheeled me into the operating room. He listened to me, and said "no problem" pulled out his pen and drew a big arrow on my forehead pointing to the correct eye!
  17. Got an old one? A couple measurements and some simple trig and you'd have the answer. BTW, I think it's 7 degrees.
  18. Saw this on another forum and thought I'd pass it on. I don't know the seller or the car... And I'm no where near Phoenix. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/cto/2393293308.html
  19. It's a tool or load balancer. I've seen these used many times although this is an old one. This would hang over a bench or work station and a often used tool (usuallly like a power screwdriver) would hang off it. The weight of the tool is counter-balanced by the spring. There may be an adjustment screw to change the tension.
  20. The key is the Model T coil. A Model T coil has it's own "points" called a vibrator. Complete the circuit and the normally closed points open, the field collapses etc. and you have high voltage. Google "Model T coil" to see how one works. Grounds, yes, very important... But as my master electrician Dad taught me, low voltage DC wiring needs to be treated a little differently then higher AC voltage. The idea of having a ground bar on both ends of the car is a very good one, but you need to take it one step further. Clamp screws work well with 110 AC, but for 6 (or 12) volt DC, you want to make all your connections with crimp on terminals or better yet, solder everything.
  21. Should be a circuit breaker on the switch. Here's the wiring diagram for my Chrysler. It should be the same as yours.
  22. Are the front turn signals working? Check grounds, then check power at lights and work your way back to the switch.
  23. C'mon Shel.. It's only money... You can't take it with you.
  24. I think you might have left a zero off the size. .040" sounds right and I'll bet the smaller the solder, the better it works. Anyway.... I don't think I would go near anything electronic with it though, even an old vacuum tube radio with something that creates an "arc" to melt the solder.
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