There are several advantages of HEI over the Mopar module. Electronic regulation of primary coil current, greater availability in case of failure, no ballast resistor needed, designed to fire wider plug gaps and designed to work with high energy coils. Both the Mopar electronic distributor and GM HEI distributor use a reluctor pickup. The HEI module works as designed with either distributor. If you are going to the trouble of converting the distributor and reworking the wiring, it's a no-brainer to use the more advanced HEI module. This is a very common upgrade in the slant six world and is even popular with some in the Mopar V8 crowd. Cheap, reliable, easy to service, easily hidden and a big upgrade in performance. Keep an open mind and have a look here and here The Mopar electronic ignition is basically a transistor switch to replace the points; advanced for it's day, but the HEI module gives a hotter longer duration spark.