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Everything posted by rockable

  1. Thanks, Mark. I hope someone benefits from it. I couldn't find anything like it when I started mine. That's why I did it. All the folks here and on the HAMB have helped me a bunch. Thank you all!
  2. Check my thread on the HAMB. POSTED earlier in this thread. You can buy dipsticks for Dodge vans that should work. I will have a custom dipsticks....whenever I get one.
  3. Darn. Did I miss them?
  4. No, Scotty . I threw them away when I was finished. If I were going to do it again, I'd use the biscuit mounts like Speedway sells. It will make removing and installing the engine easier. I used stock Mopar mounts and built my chassis mounts around them.
  5. Yes, they are side channels. Crap, I still need bottom channels.
  6. Thanks.! I'll have to look at mine and compare them.
  7. Who, besides Andy Berbaum, carries parts for my 41? I've got to find some window channels!! I've got my latch deal worked out with some bear claws and using the Oem handles. I'll post a thread when I'm done, Thanks
  8. Nice job, Tim. From what I've been told, the bear claws don't have a square receiver for the exterior handle. Therefore, you have to mount the latch lower than the handle and use a lever and pull rod to unlock the bear claw. Looks like you put yours in the same location. Did you shave the exterior handles? If now, tell me more. Thanks, Rock
  9. Does anyone make replacement door latch assemblies and the bottom door glass window channel for my '41? I think it uses the same pieces from '41 to '48. I can mod my doors and put bear claws in, if needed but I really need new bottom channels for my door glass. Thanks for any help you can give me. Bernbaum does not have them.
  10. Fstfish66, what is the actual stroke of the master cylinder on your car? I assume you have the same transmission and clutch. Thanks! PS. Football is my second passion and it only lasts a few months of the year. GO TIGERS!
  11. I moved the tank over 3" to get the DS clearance. I'll make a new cover for the sending unit. This gives me about an inch of clearance on each side.
  12. You are a lucky guy, Ron. You've got a beautiful wife that loves you and old Mopars. What more could you want? I'm assuming she let's you drive HER cars every now and then.
  13. Rather than double post this, I'll just post my HAMB link. I finished up moving my gas tank over about 3" and fabbing my exhaust so that it exits symmetrically at the rear. This is 2 1/4" exhaust tubing. There are lots of shots in my thread. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?p=6966966&posted=1#post6966966
  14. I chopped a round and a quarter or a round and a half (half I think) off some new springs. OE uprights. I won't know the ride height for sure until I'm done.
  15. This is why I'm glad I'm building a restorod.
  16. Good luck to you, Joel! Hopefully, Fall and Winter will present you with opportunity to work on your 36!
  17. Thanks, Joel. How is your project coming along?
  18. Thanks, Don. You just can't be in a hurry to drive the car. Truth is, I enjoy building them better than driving them. Doing all that work is my stress reliever. I get two days a week in my shop, usually, and that is my most relaxing two days of the week. I really enjoy the metal work and fabrication. The detail work of re-assembly and painting is what tries my patience.
  19. Thanks for the props. This is not my first restoration but it is my first hot rod build. The goal is for it to look basically stock but have more modern running gear and accessories like AC. The interior will be original bench seat and two tone. I'm thinking a burgundy/maroon paint and burgundy/taupe interior.
  20. I re-assembled my chassis and put the body back on this weekend!
  21. I moved my chassis today with my "skates". I had the front wheels up on it and just maneuvered the chassis anywhere I wanted to by myself. Now, that is not a fully loaded car but these should work well for that, too. I was putting my body back on my chassis.
  22. I bought a set of these from Tractor Supply for $50 a pair. I like them because they have steel wheels on them and drill chips, grinding slag, etc don't get bedded up in them. Spray the casters with some spray type lithium grease and put a couple of drops of oil on each wheel when you assemble them. They roll great and you can't beat the price. http://www.tractorsupply.com/vehicle-maintenance-accessories/jacks-stands-ramps/creepers-wheel-dollies/big-red-1000-lbs-car-dolly-1161639
  23. How much sandblasting are you going to do? I have one of the Northern "basic" hoods and wish I'd bought a better one. No matter which one you choose, wear a good respirator and drink lots of Gatorade. Sandblasting is hard work. Oh, and make sure your compressor and air dryer are up to the task. You'll be glad when you're finished. I always am.
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