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Everything posted by rockable

  1. I haven't tried that site but Google is your friend. For example, if I was searching for a '41 Plymouth Coupe (which I recently found and bought off craigslist), here's how I would do it. In the search field type, 41 plymouth coupe & craigslist. It will bring up every 41 Plymouth Coupe advertised on craigslist regardless of state or city. You might have to scroll through 2 or 3 pages to collect them all but it's a lot easier than searching Craiglist itself. Click on this link and see if it works for you. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=Suzuki+GS+450+E+%26+craigslist&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=ca6b5a4f84435186
  2. Stopping is infinitely more important that going. That's for sure.
  3. Today, I removed the master cylinder from my '41 but before I removed it, I had a real laugh with myself. First, I put the car up on the lift and tried to figure out how to remove it. Nope, that ain't it. Then, I let the car down, raised the hood and tried to figure out how to get it done from there. Nope, that ain't it. Next, I raised the car back up again to confirm that it was not possible to remove it from the bottom. While looking, I looked for a removable panel above the MC which would allow access. Nope, didn't see one of those either. Now, completely perplexed, I removed the rubber floor mat to learn that the entire front floor pan is removable! Now, it's easy to R&R the MC from this position. Well, it's easier. I got it out, disassembled it and honed it. Tomorrow, I will bead blast the reservoir, clean it up and reassemble it. I also put Power Blast on all the tube and hose connections and the bleeder screws for the wheel cylinders. I'm tempted to rebuild the wheel cylinders while I'm at it but they aren't leaking. Recommendations?
  4. I think I'll just listen to my iPod.
  5. Thanks for the offers guys, but I don't think so.
  6. Thanks, Mr Speedy. That's what I will eventually do. I'm thinking restomod at this point. Keep the exterior appearance pretty stock and update the mechanicals and interior. For now, I'll just get it roadworthy and putt around in it. That should be cool for a while.
  7. Wow. 87 whole horsepower. Oh well, I'll live with it...........for a while.
  8. I've used them before........for Porsches. The do nice work. Thanks. How long did it take you to get yours back?
  9. (This is a duplicate post to my information on the H.A.M.B.) New information on my P12 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe. It is a P12 and the sn on the engine is P122395I2B, so it's a numbers matching car, I guess. What cubic inch is this motor? HP? I put the car up on my lift and am even happier now than before. The car has no rust through holes in the fenders and the fenders have never been bent. The frame is very solid, as are the pans. The pans have a couple of small holes no bigger than a quarter in them. I'm sure I could make them larger but we're talking patch panels, not replacement. The chrome is in amazing shape given its years and all the trim is there. I think I saw one knob that is not correct. It has the chrome (or is it polished SS) glove compartment door/instrument panel. The "wood grain" has been painted over turd brown. The tires are hard as a rock and it needs shocks, tie rods and a master cylinder repair. What are the chances the master cylinder is repairable with a kit? Or, should I order a new one? The wheel cylinders are not leaking. Another question. Did the doors not have weather stripping? There is none on the car now and I can't see where it might have been. I'm sure the trunk had it but it does not now. In short, I bought a very solid car. I can't believe how thick the sheet metal is. I believe I could blast it and would find very little exterior rust to repair. The repairs I found would be easy. For now, I'm going to get it driveable and cruise around in it for a while. The guy I bought it from drove about two hours from Morganton, NC to Greensboro. He said he had two people try to wave him over and buy the car on the way here. (Remember, it's AutoFair week) He said, "I'll guarantee you have the only one around here." I don't know if that's true, but I've not seen another one..........and that's a good thing.
  10. To be fair, Randy sent me a PM to apologize for the way that came across. (I meant it literally, not in someone's idea of vulgar or blue.) No hard feelings. We're all big boys.
  11. Love it! I can't see from the pics but I assume it's a 4 link setup. Got any other pics that show the mounting points better? What kind of rear is that?
  12. Same bumper, different guards.
  13. Hmm. This one appears to have a similar bumper to mine. What's up with that? You don't suppose they substituted, do you? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1941-Plymouth-Coupe_W0QQitemZ290423386132QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item439e953014
  14. Hmm. I see what you mean, but I still sort of dig the Dodge bumper. It appears to have the correct rear bumper. Andy, are the "wings" bolted on over the standard bumper?
  15. Is this the correct front bumper for my '41 Plymouth? If not, what is it from?
  16. I've got an even easier way. Get a piece of round stock or an old input shaft that fits in the pilot bearing. Pack the pilot bearing full of grease, insert the round stock and whack it with a hammer. The hydraulic pressure exerted on the grease will force the pilot bearing out..........and that is slicker than snot on a door knob.
  17. Thanks guys. Still wondering about HP from the flattie. Also, I see all these P numbers, P15, P9, etc. What P is a '41 Plymouth?
  18. My uncle, who lived next door to me, ran a Chrysler-Plymouth dealership. His son, who is my age, still runs it. When we were young, Brad built Ben a '47 4 door with a hot rod look but kept the flattie. We drove the crap out of that car. It was a lot of fun but the lower end didn't hold up to our hot rodding, as I recall. Do I also recall correctly that the rods are babitted and do not have replaceable inserts? We also had a '55 Dodge with a Red Ram in it that we used to run around on the farm. That thing was a blast:D........but that's another story. SO, how much HP do you guys reckon you get from one of the streetable versions of ol' flattie? BTW, how much does one of these coupes weigh?
  19. Thanks for all the welcome and advice. I'm in Oak Ridge, NC, just outside of Greensboro. That picture of that flattie is sweet! I'm going to drive it in stock mode for a while and evaluate it. We'll see. Maybe the flathead addiction will hit me. Rock
  20. Ok, maybe rough wasn't the right word. I did say it was straight, solid and complete.
  21. Thanks! Great advice and stuff that I would not have thought of. The Catalina is on the rotisserie, so it's not much to look at right now. Just a darn big, long hulk. I have finished all the "rustoration" portion and undercoated the underside today. I'm now working on the trunk and interior to get them painted. Then, I will start reassembling the chassis. There is a long road ahead before I'm finished with it but I'm in no hurry. It's a journey, not a race. Having the Plymouth to drive in the meantime will help me be more patient. When I'm finished with the Pontiac, I'll start on the Plymouth. I've got my calendar full of activity for the foreseeable future..............and that's ok with me.
  22. Nope. Craigslist. Two hours from my house.
  23. I just bought a '41 Plymouth coupe today. Hope that is welcome. I think it's a great looking car. I plan to fix it up mechanically and drive it, as is, until I finish my present project '64 Pontiac Catalina. After that, it will likely be a street rod. (Hope that's not a bad thing around here. ) Here are some pics. It's a solid car and never been hit. Cosmetically, it's rough but ALL the pieces are there. Overall, I'm very happy with my new purchase.
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