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Everything posted by MacGyver
Looks Great! What type of fabric is that?
Welcome. Keep us posted with your progress. There are tons of great folks and vast archives of info for when you hit those stumbling blocks.
I had 32" tires on my CJ7 and the speedo was about 12mph off. That being said, I wouldn't run it more than ~70mph (actual speed, not at the speedo). Its just a big box pushing a lot of air out of the way to move. With the gear ratio in the diff the motor was really spinning fast at that speed. I believe the 91-95 YJs had multiport injection rather than throttle body...(?) If so, you could check the pressure at the fuel rail, should be about 31lbs (37-41lbs with vacuum disconnected from the fuel regulator). If its less, try a new fuel pump. Or maybe the throttle position sensor??? These guys got me out of a lot of jams, perhaps give them a try. Just like this forum, there are a lot of good folks that know the quirks of these things; . www.jeepforum.com
I had an 86' Jeep CJ-7 with rebuilt 258(0.030 over, mild cam), 32" BFG Mud Terrain tires. I used it as a daily driver for about 5yrs, parked it on my buddy's mom's farm as a "toy" a few years ago and actually sold it on Sunday. I miss that truck already. I used the soft top for summer and had a hard top for winter which I highly recommend if you can part with the dough. Have FUN! Those things are a blast! Mark
Thanks for your thoughts. I'll have to get under there and take a listen. Maybe my girlfriend will be willing to wiggle the car a little for me... I'll just have to make sure I'm in good standing with her that day. I did note that the squeaking started after a full day of driving in the rain. All my zerk fittings have been attended to so maybe I'll take greg g's suggestion and hose everything down with a bit of silicone grease. At last check my spring pads were intact but I'll be sure to take a close look at that as well. Thanks.
So I put about 500 miles on the dodge over the weekend and I've got a new squeak coming from the Left front suspension. I can hear it creak and squeak while driving and also when exiting the vehicle. Bouncing the front end by stepping on the bumper yeilds the same effect. So what's going on here? What is it that needs replacement? I am frequently assessing/maintaining all the lube points so I doubt any are void of grease. Just sounds like the ol' girl has got some aching knees.
Tim, thanks for the stool samples Maybe that was in bad taste. For $29.99 I pretty much can't afford Not to get one. Should work nicely when wrenching on the motorcycles as well. Frankie47, I haven't decided on a color yet. That seems to be the hardest part for me. My girlfriend is voting for a nice deep black because it "will look more gangster." The era might be a little off but I think she'd look hot hanging out the window in a fedora holding a tommy gun. My thoughts have covered the entire spectrum. Now I'm stuck between its original Lullaby Blue 223 or the Fortress or Opal Gray.
That tricycle did work out nicely. It was comfortable and rolled well over the stones. I tried using that "Little Tykes" car in the background but once I was inside I just didn't have the elbow room I needed to be effective. I've taken a break on the sanding for the last 2 days cuz of the rain but I'll jump back on it tomorrow and hopefully have it prepped and ready for Maaco by the weekend.
I did see your brother-in-law in his coupe, we exchanged a wave or two as we were driving; what a fine looking car he's got! This flat black job is only a thin temporary coat to help me see the imperfections. I'm no pro by any means but a thin coat of black and all the low/high spots just jumped right out at me. When I get done and look like Popeye from all the sanding I'm planning on either borrowing a spray gun from a friend or just running it over to Maaco. To be honest, I miss the gold color already.
...we'll make her look like what she ain't. I've been tired of the multi-color clown car look so I decided to get a little bit of sanding and painting done. Now this won't be the last time the ol' dodge receives a body treatment but for now at least it will all be the same color and the minor surface imperfections will be neutralized. And guess what? Only found two small dents previously filled and no major holes in the metal.
Hey Don, I agree with what Claybill said. But would like to add a few things. I am a Registered Nurse on a surgical unit and work directly with patients from the moment they are out of surgery until they go home. We probably do 3-4 total knee arthroplasties a week and 90% are out in a few days. I've seen this be as quick as 2 days or as long as 2 weeks but there are many variables to that. My first thought would be: If you are overweight, PLEASE lose some weight first. You'll increase you chances of coming out of this on top exponentially. You said you're a perfect candidate so I imagine your weight isn't a problem. But if it is, shed some #s first. 2. Do your physical therapy! Once you are medically stable it will be your effort and performance in PT that gets you discharged. Outpatient PT is your new best friend. Only through effort will your knee work properly. If you don't move it and fight through some discomfort you'll never get your range of motion and stability back. 3. These things can be redone. You don't want that. It usually means there was an infection or some sort of failure. Every once in a while we do a revision beacuse the prosthesis just wore out. Revisions can be made and hardware replaced. Sometimes its better, sometimes its not as good as the first round. But it can be done. 4. Immediately post-op (first month) Alcohol use will increase the chance of infection. Smoking will delay the entire healing process. If you can help it, avoid these for a while... Ok, I'm getting too long winded here. In short, GO FOR IT! I've got patients in there 30s all the way up to upper 80s. All shapes and sizes. The ones that keep moving and work hard, (and it is work at first) are the ones that are successful. The ones that don't move get contracutres and the knee will simply not bed. But it all cases, once the surgical/incisional pain subsides they realize that old nagging pain they had prior to the procedure is gone. Mark If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to do my best to answer them. Otherwise, Go For It.
Hi Norm, Where was this cruise? Is it a weekly event? Mark
For your curiosity; I converted to the cyrilic and translated the Russian for you which very literally reads as follows, (without proper conjugation, etc); looks like some spam offering a get rich quick scheme: Reliable work in spite of the crisis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outstanding version not to depend on the troubles of crisis and not to remain without the work and the money. Full employment or free extra earnings is possible. Glance to the portal
Once agian, thank you all for your suggestions. TodFitch, thanks for the detailed instructions and photos. I'll be sacrafice an aftermarket gauge and give your repair method and shot.
I broke the capillary tube on my temp gauge, _____!(insert explitive here) I'm struggling with the local "Big Brother" parts store to come up with one. I temporarily hooked up an aftermarket gauge but it really chaps my hide to have to look at it. Anybody have one they'd like to part with or know of a source? Thanks Mark '48 D-24c
Same name, new location? When I dealt with these folks they were downtown, Milw. just off of Water St. Is this their new location and phone number? ('new' meaning within the last 8yrs or so)
I had mine re-lined at a place called "Auto Brake, Clutch, and Gear" in Milwaukee, Wis. They did a good job at a reasonable price. That's a long ride from Banning, Ca but you may have a similar shop out that way. Mark
Thanks for the info, guys. I'll swing by on Saturday afternoon. If you see a D24 coupe in a some shade of worn out 1970's bronze with a few primer spots here and there give me a wave.
Help a guy out... Where and when is the Wisconsin show? I'll swing by in the ol' Dodge on one of the days and wouldn't mind shaking a few hands and putting some names and faces together. Mark
I've got a leaky rear wheel cylinder I'd love to replace. Does anybody in the Milwaukee area have a drum removal tool I can borrow?... Or know of a local shop or store that would rent one out? Thanks Mark
I hope this thread takes off as I'd like to "officially" redo my interior as well. I went the VERY cheap route just to get me by for the time being. I bought a Queen size memory foam mattress pad for about $25, cut it into strips the size of the bench and back rests, laid that over what was left of the original fibers, covered the whole area with duct tape and tossed an old blanket over the works. She's held strong for quite some time and has actually proven to be quite comfortable and supportive. Probably not the answer you were looking for but the price sure was right.
I have to agree with the worn lining and dragging rivet theory. The same noise came from mine. When I first got my car (11yrs ago) It was very worn and consequently adjusted too tightly by in order to compensate. One evening the darn thing got so hot it started some grease in the area on fire. Luckily there was a man in his yard that saw the flames as I was driving, he flagged me down and we put out the fire in time. Anywho, I had the brake re-lined at a local shop and all is well... I guess that even helped with grease removal since it had been all but burned away.
I have the same concerns about the fit and I haven't seen enough on 'our' Mopars in person to know if I want to pull the trigger on a set. Sometimes pictures just don't do justice. If I don't get to enough car shows this summer I may just have to trust the Forum, choose a brand or style, and hang em' up. Mark
I've been toying with the idea of skirts myself, and just last night I did a search and came up with this thread from back in March: http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=14447&highlight=fender+skirts