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Everything posted by T120

  1. Canadian D43 ...Could be either 218 or 228
  2. ...Enjoyed the ride!
  3. In Montana this past weekend - went to a show and shine,found this gem in the parking lot. A really nice example of an unrestored vehicle.
  4. I have no idea why those pop-up ads occasionally appear on my computer screen other than they have occurred when I visit this forum. I've read that it reflects internet usage and web sites visited...I'm the only person using this computer and if anyone hacked in they would find things pretty dull.I haven't had any virus problems to date.This glitch doesn't bother me, I just ignore the ads when they show up.
  5. Okay, Today after signing in to the forum I decided to tweak my profile... This,after getting photos of young attractive Asian women with a little header,"Spend Old Age With A Charming Woman" ... .Now - As far as anyone knows,I'm no longer male nor approaching 72 years old,also I'm now unemployed rather than retired...And for what it's worth - No,I don't frequent those sites..
  6. David,Your truck looks great!
  7. As mentioned,in order to get efficient spark at the plugs the coil should be connected using proper polarity.To get Gus Wilson's explanation,see his story in Popular Science Sept 1965 issue page 166...
  8. Also bought parts from Frank in the past - sad to hear he's no longer with us...
  9. Sorry, Didn't want to appear as an authority.Hope you find your problem,at this point - I would guess carburation
  10. Gee!..., I hate to suggest this - but have you watched Mikes BB carb rebuild on "youtube" ?
  11. Thanks for posting.Hope to get down there before....
  12. David,Sorry to hear of your accident.A reminder to be careful around machinery and as mentioned avoiding careless short cuts...
  13. Heat deflector plates under carburetors were used early on...Phenolic insulator blocks under carburetors were also used...Heat shields were used over the fuel pumps by some manufacturers as well - Chrysler and Studebaker to name two. Studebaker for one also directed air flow from behind the grille in the direction of the fuel pump on some models. Stuck manifold heat valves,(flapper thingy)will cause problems. Greg's suggestion is a good one and should be incorporated as well -lower the float level. I've seen combinations of all these used on some vehicles to eliminate fuel percolation.
  14. Basically, it's suck - squeeze - bang - blow. .Sounds like you may be a little light on the first two...I'd certainly try Lumpy's suggestion.
  15. I guess I got off track reading through this topic (thinking about motorcycles) - didn't realize we hadn't heard from Wilf in a while... As I understand it, an engine should pull min 3 inches of manifold vacuum at cranking speed...
  16. Read through this topic today and there has been a lot of helpful information passed along and apart from the engine being tired I'm surprised with a good battery it hasn't at least had an encouraging sputter.The lack of good compression(rings,valves or both)sounds troubling-resulting in loss of vacuum(suction) pulling in proper fuel/air mixture.I have nothing to add.I normally would not recommend starting fluid but it has been suggested... (The mention of AJS Matchless 500 singles brought back fond memories and I would certainly welcome the opportunity to make room in my garage for one).
  17. You may find this interesting...A Hudson Twin H running on a test bench - the heat deflectors can be seen at the base of the carburetors.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA3DCIpiAhs
  18. Good to hear it works for you...Hudson used a similar idea fitted at the base of the carburetor(s) - both single and dual at least from 1940 onwards,listed as a "heat deflector"
  19. My wife and children acquired several goats while I was away at work. I had a new truck at the time and the goats were up and down on my truck and while they can be entertaining at times especially the young ones.I decided they had to go....(curmudgeon)
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