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Johnny S

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Everything posted by Johnny S

  1. Brian....just stick with it and one day, sooner than you think, you will be the "old guy" passing on info and "barbs" to the "young" guys.......good luck and most of all....HAVE FUN!.
  2. My stable of currently registered and insured includes: 1999 Suburban - Daily driver - 176,000 miles 1994 Firebird - wife drives 2002 Cavalier LS - Kid 1 drives 2003 Cavalier LS - Kid 2 drives 1949 Plymouth Deluxe - Aunt Margaret 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe - Uncle Johnny 1980 Chevy LUV 4x4 1976 Jimmy K5
  3. Multi-carb........doesn't that mean you need at least two each?
  4. I bought regular unleaded today for $2.69 - and that still felt way too high ..... but compared .... I won't complain too loudly.
  5. Morning all, I was scanning some pages this morning and thought I would post this Mopar flathead 6 "exploded" view and the associated parts list to see if anyone was interested in a copy. I've scanned it into a *.PDF file with a lot of resolution. Some of you may find it of use one of these days. The attached photos are smaller versions of course. This just came from one of the Passenger Car Parts List manuals for P17-18, C45-46-47, D29-30-31-32 and S13 Mopars. Or, if we don't already have something similar on this site, maybe GTK could post it into one of the files locations.
  6. Aussie D25, welcome. Words and ideas are ageless.......welcome to the fun!
  7. Hey Randroid....long time no see. We need to work up a time with Captain Neon to have a cup one of these days......! As to the "I'm not getting into the original vs. not-original" discussion. Thank you....'cause you can see that the thread has produced some useful info ..... all because one of our own wanted to know how everyone elses trunk was painted.
  8. Sounds good.....thanks for adding me to the list of "wants".
  9. Thanks....I would say just go ahead and add it to the wish list. If I end up with multiples that's not an issue. Demand seems low ....... to match the supply I guess!
  10. Tim, I just figured you might have one ..... Yes, I've considered just making one but figured with all of the other things one does and beings that I'm in no hurry its probably just as easy to look for an original. Obviously if they are missing on a lot of cars they "have to be" lying in someones stash somewhere. Hope they weren't all turned into Toyotas....or worse yet.......Fords!
  11. Thanks Harold. I posted over on the POC site as well so may rekindle some of that same discussion. I have received a little feedback that suggests some body color trunk painting going on out of one of the assembly plants in Canada as well during a similar time period. I've looked through the pile of 49-50 Plymouth photos I have and pretty much only see the steel gray/blue color with only a few exceptions. Blueskies says his '50 was steel gray/blue.
  12. Does anyone have one of these access panels in their stash of goodies? It's the small rectangular piece of sheetmetal in the middle of the radiator shroud? I believe they should be the same on P17, P18, P19 and P20's....maybe on P23 as well. Not sure on the latter however.
  13. The VIN can be decoded....I don't have the chart in front of me but I'm sure someone has one handy .... and you can look at the body plate on the drivers side of the firewall.....it should say in the text at the bottom of the plate where it was built....else the number itself should tell us. The VIN is on the plate inside the drivers door on the door post to the front. Thanks for getting the photos. Joe's question has intrigued me. JerseyHarold, you mentioned that you had made that observation regarding Detriot and Evansville cars in the past....was your observations associated with the paint used in the trunk area? Can you explain your observations a little further?
  14. Halfdollar....do you have a photo you can post. I think it may well apply and would be interesting to know. Where was your car built?
  15. Ok, here's the scoop.....the light green P18 - Uncle Johnny - was built in Evansville and has an "E" in the body number. See attached photo. This is the car with the body color trunk scheme. The blue P18, with that steel blue - greenish trunk color scheme was built in Detroit and has a body number of 702-5313 without any letter at all. My photo of the blue P18 body number for Aunt Margaret wasn't close enough to post and still be able to easily read but if someone needs one I can get a better photo. Harold..........you are the GURU !!
  16. Will do Harold.....just a moment, I think I have photos of the plates.
  17. I guess while the topic of trunk colors is up it would be good to post these other photos of the original trunk of Aunt Margaret. Notice that the color is almost a steel blue/gray in those areas that haven't faded much at all. Sorry for the dust....didn't think at the time I took the photos that I would be showing her backside to all youse guys! We would have polished her up a little more.
  18. Joe, two final shots. One shows the upper left hand side of the trunk where the electrical block sits. Note that just about everything is body color. And, this car hasn't had a complete repaint for sure even if there has been some touch up over the years. The other photo shows the "bright green" trunk divider with clear evidence that it has been reshot with a similar but brighter green spray paint at one time. However, look at the sheet metal above it and the trunk springs and brackets....all body color. I would guess you could go either way if you are restoring the car to original colors. I think I would opt for the "bluish grayish greenish" color primarily because it seems to be the best documented...that is if that's how you are heading. Otherwise....paint it however you "D" well please.......
  19. Joe, here are some more shots of the trunk. It looks like this entire car was painted body color inside and out. I do see evidence now that I look closely that the trunk divider that shows up in such vivid green was painted over with a spray can at one time. However, it does look like it was the light green underneath that.
  20. Joe, on the green P18 I can't be certain that the trunk color that we are seeing is original. I know that the car has had some new door panels installed and I'm not sure that that divider panel (between the trunk and rear seat) should be such a "glowing green". So, I won't attest that the green one is original ... albeit the interior portion of the fenders don't look to be repainted and I don't see any evidence of that other "Olive green" - dark color that we see on the other car. I am almost 100 percent certain that Aunt Margaret (Blue) is original color.
  21. Joe, I found several of my trunk without all of the stuff in it. I guess I lied.....its body color green.
  22. Joe, here is the trunk on Aunt Margaret. She is blue and has not been repainted. As you can see the latch area is body color but the interior is a darker color .... I'd call it dark gray....maybe a very dark shade of "blue". I'll see if I can find a photo of my green one that's like yours. It has a lot of "treasures" in the trunk at the moment.
  23. In fact, my skirts look a lot like the one posted by 277 Hemi. Do you have the dimensions on yours. The ones on my P18 are right at 31" end to end at their longest point.
  24. Not all of the Mopars were outside of the well. Here's one thats a flush mount on my P18 much like the Chevy photo already posted. However, I have seen similar Mopar skirts that don't flush mount as well.
  25. Do the 48 Ford bumper bolts have the same size head? That would be great if they do......the 49 Plymouth bolts are even more pricey.
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