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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. Robert Hight is John Force's son-n-law not Eric. Eric's father was his crew chief and talked him out of going pro rodeo and into going to work for Force Racing. I feel sorry for his family. Dennis
  2. It looks like I am giving all of the bad news today. Dennis:( Robert E. Petersen, Founder of Hot Rod, Motor Trend Magazines and Benefactor of the Petersen Automotive Museum Passes On at 80. http://echo.bluehornet.com/hostedemail/email.htm?h=91691b2fd544252a2908c42d6eea5d48&CID=965438292&ch=A9F15996A3EA7A1F464F858927F8C628 http://www.hotrod.com/
  3. NHRA Drag Racer Eric Medlen succumbs to injuries Friday afternoon to injuries suffered when his race car crashed into a guardwall during a Monday test session at Gainesville Raceway. Medlen took over driving responsibilities of the John Force Racing Funny Car in 2004. RIP Eric. Dennis:( http://www.nhra.com/ http://www.johnforceracing.com/
  4. I am running P205 75R 15's on my 48 P-15. Dennis:cool:
  5. Norm. You could get something like this 789, a melding of 1957, 1958 and 1959 Chevys built on a 2005-2007 Corvette C6 chassis. The price of a turnkey 789 is $135,000. Dennis:D http://www.n2amotors.com/cars.htm.
  6. AMEN to that, Dennis:(
  7. On your photobucket site- bring the photo to the larger photo. Then left click on the URL Link and when it is highlited then right click on it and click on copy. Then on this site click the square with the mountians that says insert image then right click on the area where it says http:// and press paste then press OK. hopefully that should do it Dennis
  8. Not that I know of. The engine was a Chevy 265 Small block. I didn't have any flames just a big boom that woke up the whole apartment building that we were living in at the time. Dennis:cool:
  9. Lou, I don't know how the spark got to the oil pan all I know was that the gas leaked into the oil pan and when I hit the starter there was a BIG boom and then a lot of oil on the ground under the Jeep and the oil pan only had one bolt holding it on, all the other bolt holes had ripped out. Now each time I check my oil I sniff it. Dennis:eek:
  10. I just went to the site and they are there. Dennis:cool: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dome-Light-Switches-NORS-Dodge-DeSoto-Chrysl-Plym_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ140731QQitemZ230106414034QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  11. Smell it. I go with what Greg said "if in doubt for 8 bucks change it" I had gas in my oil on my old Jeep and when I hit the starter at 4am the oil pan blew off, That woke me and the whole neighborhood up. Dennis:o
  12. I'm on the list for the I15 area between Victorville, Ca. and Las Vegas, Nv. the I40 area from Barstow, Ca. to Needles, Ca. and the Hwy 58 area from Mojave, Ca. to Barstow, Ca. Anyone who wants to be placed on the list must contact greg g on this site and send him your information. You can send him a private message. Dennis:cool:
  13. They told me the same thing when I put the front seat out of a Dodge Aries in my P-15. Some car clubs still consider my P-15 "Original" with the new seat, I won best unrestored vehicle at the Big Bear Lake Fun Run after I had installed the seat. The 56 Chevy they made me insure it as a modified vehicle. Dennis:cool:
  14. You have some good looking rides. Dennis:cool:
  15. This Tucker was at the Big Bear Lake Ca. Fun Run. The owners wife grew up here in Barstow. Dennis:cool:
  16. Glenn, I had lower back surgery in 1980, after my back was broken when I was hit by a drunk driver, I hope your surgery is as sucessfull as mine is. Dennis:cool:
  17. I don't kmow if it is right but here is what mine lookes like. Dennis:cool:
  18. Looks good, I bet it hurts when they shove that suppository in. LOL It will look great when they finish with the powder coating. Dennis:D
  19. Welcome to the Forum. Looks like a nice 40 Dodge, I like your T-Bucket. Dennis:cool:
  20. 52B3B108, Here is the HAMB Site. Not all the people on the site are a collection of neo-nazi self righteous a-holes, sure there are some there but there are some of us from this site on that site. But do not post without an introduction. Dennis:cool: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=5
  21. I copied this from the HAMB Site for us in California. Dennis:mad: California Introduces Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) sent Hagerty Plus the following Legislative Alert to share with our customers and agents immediately. If you have any questions regarding this alert, please call or email Rory Carroll, Hagerty Plus Legislative Resource Director at 800-922-4050, x8407 / Advocacy@hagerty.com or Steve McDonald, SEMA Vice President of Government Affairs at stevem@sema.org. URGENT LEGISLATIVE ALERT Here we go again! Legislation (A.B. 616) has been introduced in the California Assembly by Assemblyman Dave Jones to require annual Smog check inspections for vehicles 15-years old and older. The bill would also require that funds generated through the additional inspection fees be deposited into an account which can be used to scrap older cars. You may recall that in 2004 a new law was enacted in California to require the lifetime testing of all 1976 and newer model-year vehicles. Pre-1976 motor vehicles would remain exempt under A.B. 616. The bill has been referred to the Assembly Transportation Committee. We Urge You to Contact Assemblyman Jones and members of the Assembly Transportation Committee (List Below) Immediately to Oppose A.B. 616 A.B. 616 ignores the minimal impact vintage cars have on air quality. A.B. 616 could entice vintage car owners into allowing these vehicles to be scrapped. A.B. 616 ignores the fact that vehicles 15-years old and older still constitute a small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction. A.B. 616 ignores the fact that classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven. A.B. 616 would increase costs by creating an annual inspection fee for owners of these vehicles. A.B. 616 represents another attempt by California legislators and regulators to scapegoat older cars. Please contact members of the California Assembly Transportation Committee immediately by phone, fax or e-mail to request their opposition to A.B. 616. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to stevem@sema.org. Thank you for your assistance. Assembly Transportation Committee Pedro Nava, Chair Telephone: (916) 319-2035 Fax: (916) 319-2135 Email: Assemblymember.nava@assembly.ca.gov Michael D. Duvall, Vice-Chair Telephone: (916) 319-2072 Fax: (916) 319-2172 Email: Assemblymember.Duvall@assembly.ca.gov Wilma Amina Carter Telephone: (916) 319-2062 Fax: (916) 319-2162 Email: Assemblymember.Carter@assembly.ca.gov Mike DeSaulnier Telephone: (916) 319-2011 Fax: (916) 319-2111 Email: Assemblymember.DeSaulnier@assembly.ca.gov Cathleen Galgiani Tel: (916) 319-2017 Fax: (916) 319-2117 Email: Assemblymember.Galgiani@assembly.ca.gov Martin Garrick Telephone: (916) 319-2074 Fax: (916) 319-2174 Email: Assemblymember.Garrick@assembly.ca.gov Shirley Horton Telephone: (916) 319-2078 Email: Assemblymember.Shirley.Horton@assembly.ca.gov Guy S. Houston Telephone: (916) 319-2015 Fax: (916) 319-2115 Email: Assemblymember.Houston@assembly.ca.gov Bob Huff Telephone: (916) 319-2060 Fax: (916) 319-2160 Email: assemblymember.huff@assembly.ca.gov Betty Karnette Telephone: (916) 319-2054 Email: Assemblymember.Karnette@assembly.ca.gov Anthony J. Portantino Telephone: (916) 319-2044 Fax: (916) 319-2144 Email: assemblymember.Portantino@assembly.ca.gov Ira Ruskin Telephone: (916) 319 - 2021 Fax: (916) 319 – 2121 Email: Assemblymember.Ruskin@assembly.ca.gov Jose Solorio Telephone: (916) 319-2069 Fax: (916) 319-2169 Nell Soto Telephone: (916) 319-2061 Fax: (916) 319-2161 Email: Assemblymember.Soto@assembly.ca.gov If you are experiencing any difficulty in contacting your legislators, please contact Rory Carroll, Hagerty Plus Legislative Resource Director, at Advocacy@hagerty.com or 888-310-8020. Please e-mail a copy of your letters to us at Advocacy@hagerty.com or fax: 231-932-6887. Thank you for your commitment to the future of the collector vehicle hobby. Sincerely, McKeel Hagerty
  22. Ed is a member of this forum and uses the name dndrodshop. You can look him up in the members area. Dennis
  23. You can try here, someone on the old forum posted this site. Dennis http://www.thecliplink.com/bumper_bolts.htm
  24. I found the web site but I could not find the newsletter. Dennis http://www.fendersandfins.com/wpc.htm
  25. Here is the web site you ask for. Dennis http://www.plymouthdoctor.com/
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