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Everything posted by BobT-47P15

  1. Brad, I'm not too fond of the all numbers thing, even tho it describes your vehicle. Should I address you as "Dear 1951" since I probably won't recall the name attached to the numbers???? Just my own opinion, of course. What I did for my name was.....take the original BobT and then added "-47P15". That was the only thing that came to mind at first. It can always be revised later if desired. Interesting watching the changes being made.
  2. It is rather nice to see where people are located. I tend to forget who is where. Conversely, I guess if you don't want anyone to know where you are, you can make up some fictitious thing to go in the space.
  3. Norm, I see what you mean about the e-mail messages. Seems to be no record. The one I sent you earlier did not turn up on my home email listing as sent mail....since it originated here. And as you said, there is no record of that mail on the forum. So, maybe PM is better so a record is kept.
  4. Norm, you may already have done this, but when you get into the Private Message section, there is a box marked "Private Messages in Folder". Inside that is a smaller box marked "Folder Controls". It contains the green bar which will change colors for sent/received messages. On the "Jump To Folder" box, you have two choices.....sent messages and inbox. Just click on the v at the end to view the choices. Whichever one you click on, will display either received or sent messages below. It tells to whom they were sent. Maybe this will help some.
  5. Welcome James. Join in the fun and information. Another person with info to share is good.
  6. ......overdrive kickdown gearshift knob. Earlier tonite. Is this like the one you have, David Maxwell?? (click on thumbnail to enlarge) Now, all I gotta do is send some guy money.
  7. Looks great, Chet. More fun things to keep you occupied. It's nice that it is so original. Not many of that age so good.
  8. From Junior Member. Must have to do with the number of posts made. So far have done 32. What comes next, "middle aged member"? "Old timer member"??? Guess the system automatically calls us something. I'm a "FNG" on the HAMB. I think you go from that to "Grenade Inspector". Like the "member" thing just fine so far.
  9. Brad WHO????? The signatures might be disabled ???? Not sure about that, tho.
  10. Nelson, looks as if it worked just fine.
  11. I sent you a note re-stating what the e-mail said.
  12. Pete, thanks for the info. It occurs to me maybe someone needs to compile a list of such things as they discover them. Then a bit down the road, impart that info to everyone again. Or maybe make it a sticky. I have discovered a certain few things, but have wondered how others do other things. Some people have more compooter savvy than the others. So if you draw them a picture, make it simple as possible, maybe they can get a grip....like me. Yours for more fun with old cars and computers. Bob
  13. You can send private, off the big screen, messages to another without going to their home e-mail. When they come on board there would be a note by their name saying they have a PM. You can also tell them you will be sending them a PM, so they will be sure to look there. So, that eliminates getting off the forum, going to regular email to communicate, then having to return to the forum, etc.
  14. Bob, I agree, there are more things to do at certain points. I am starting to get a handle on some of them. The first thing that struck me about the new and old formats was: the old one was what I would call an "open" style....kind of like a sheet of paper with lines written on it. The new one is "compartmentalized" by having the boxes containing the various topics, etc. Just my take on stuff. I have an icon on my desktop to click right to the site, I usually do not "log out", so I don't have to log back in. Try to keep that part simple as I can. You can post with the "quick reply" or make a bit bigger production by posting a complete new message with heading. This is the quick reply. It seems there is something about adding a photo to the quick reply I don't yet understand, however. Eventually will figure it out. I have reduced to size of most pictures in my album because this program will not accept over a certain size in pixels. Ahh, today's modern computer age......
  15. Ed....I sent a note to your home email about that.
  16. Now, that was pretty easy, wasn't it Richie????? I thought I saw a pic of your car in the members listing pages.
  17. I'm pretty sure that when new, the P15 Plymouth convertible had dash and window frames that matched the exterior color, but the steering wheel and column were brown. I have seen many that were re-done, and the steering wheel/column matched the interior of the car. I painted my dash, frames and wheel maroon to go with the inteirior. Depends on whether you want originality or color co-ordination in your interior. Click-a da link to view mine: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Petey%20Plymouth%201/9b5d8395.jpg In your case, if airwing gray is light, then maybe a complimentary but a bit darker grey for the steering wheel, etc.
  18. As I recall, I think David Maxwell may be interested, and also Gary Manes. Gary lives in Oklahoma, but not sure just how far from Tulsa.
  19. Jerome, I guess you could call these mirrors pictured in the P15 Parts Manual stock mirrors. Otherwise, it was what the particular dealership chose to install or what the owner went out and bought. The left ones are those cowl mounted ones or "swan neck". The other is the clip onto the door edge type. As I recall, the new 1946 Plymouth my parents bought had a rectangular outside clip on mirror.....like those I posted earlier.
  20. Pete, it's about 100 miles from Joplin to Tulsa. There is some of old Rt 66 that can be driven from here. The route is along 11th Street (i think) in Tulsa. Can an non--POC member sneak in on their group rate? Dtr and son-in-law may come with us. Click on link to see where the car is buried in front of the court building. Can just barely see the placque on the ground: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Tulsa%20Pics/100_2786.jpg Here's a pic of the placque itself: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Tulsa%20Pics/100_2789.jpg This old cafe, the Metro Diner, on 11th St, is probably gone by now due to expansion of the college next door: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Tulsa%20Pics/100_2798.jpg
  21. I looked at that earlier today.... Yes, lots of nice pics and I would wager, more to come once others figger out how to post them. I'm beginning to get the hang of some things now. I believe the migration has begun.
  22. Ed, it's for sale on you-know-where.
  23. Neil Riddle had a nice item....3 still in original wrap.
  24. The 0 and 100 are farther down on the DeSoto item - closer to the bottom edge than the Plym. Wonder if it would work on a Plym anyway?? They are probably the same overall physical size.
  25. Norm, guess the point of that car is - after you been in that cocktail lounge for several hours, you won't know if you're coming or going anyway. Or, you might think you are seeing things. I certainly would not mind having those wire wheels.
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