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Jerry Roberts

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Jerry Roberts last won the day on June 18 2024

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  • Gender
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    Stockton , ca .
  • My Project Cars
    1941 Plymouth truck


  • Location
    1941 plymouth truck Stockton California
  • Interests
    My hobbie vehicle is a 1941 Plymouth truck .

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  1. The replacement boards from Horkey's has the recesses for the washers 1939 - 1947 .
  2. You should be sending only 6 volts to the ignetion . So the condenser is fine . If you are sending 12 volts to the system , you need to get a common resister or your points will burn out very quickly .
  3. Hauling a load to Goodwill .
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  4. Rich , The Auto Lite part number for your distributor shaft is IGS-1081RB . That shaft also fits the Canadian Dodge D11 . D12 D13 . Also fits 1938 Dodge truck RC (T158)and RD(T60) I could look further if it would help .
  5. Pipe thread size that goes into the head ; 1/2 inch pipe . The tube thread size on the nut that goes into the gland nut ; O.D. 5/8 inch x 18 threads per inch . The gland nut has a beveled seat for the ether bulb .
  6. The distributor for the 25 inch block has a longer shaft than the distributor for the 23 inch block .
  7. Pep , As Mark mentioned , NOS AutoLite parts can be found on ebay . I have an AutoLite catalog and I can look up most distributor models to find the part numbers for plates , points , etc . The model number usually starts with three letters followed by numbers .
  8. You can get 6 volts with 4 penlight batteries , but that won't start your engine . harbor Freight sells a load tester .
  9. I have seen utube vidios of a machine shop using a torch to ' blow ' a broken easy out away .
  10. Some of the shop manuals for these old cars have wireing diagrams that show the wire gauge . If you don't have a shop manual for your car you might shop for one that shows this information . Also search old posts here that have covered his information. It is not hard to rewire your car doing just one wire at a time so that you can keep track .
  11. There might not be anything wrong with your steering box . There are several other steering components that wear , Nice looking car .
  12. Fuel pumps have been known to knock too .
  13. Are you looking for a PULLER to remove the fan blades from your heater fan ?
  14. As strange as it looks , there was no panel there . I made a panel to cover that area from a piece of sheet metal and I can post a photo of it if you like . Not stock .
  15. Can you buy a sheet of cork gasket material locally ? I would not glue everything together as you might want to take the covers off in the future . You could glue the cork to the covers and then use grease to seal the covers to the block . That way if you did want to remove the adhesive you can do it on the workbench .
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