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capt den

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Everything posted by capt den

  1. looking for a source for the gasket on the gas cap on a 54 windsor. nothing on ebay. thanks for any help capt den
  2. marc, when i did my master i could not find any parts store that had the big e clip needed. i was directed by one store to go to this farmer down the road as he did alot of work on big farm machinery. not only did he have that large size, but when i told him it was for my 54 chrysler he gave me a few for free. look for the farm down the road and you may find the part. capt den
  3. they may have pulled a muffler that was so old that it rusted inside and is clogged. then it blew the engine pipe gasket or something else to make it noisy and of course it will not run properly. it needs to go back and you deserve an explanation as to how they could consider that a finished job. didn,t you notice this when you picked it up and paid for it? capt den
  4. i have checked the ground and that is not the issue. if this is a mercury switch, which seems logical in this application,then it simply must be replaced with a similiar item. i am guessing there is no aftermarket for this. i have looked on ebay with no luck. i need to find someone parting a car out. to me this is chrysler ove-r-engineering something that should be simple. capt den
  5. i want the trunk light to work on my 1954 chrysler. there does not appear to be any switch, like the ones in the door that turn turn the light on. i checked for power and it is there at the socket. the bulb is good.so it appears that no power is getting through the socket to the bulb. however, it also appears that the socket must be some kind of switch that works off the opening and closing of the trunk. i have never heard of this kind of switch that is built into the socket, and if that is the case where are new ones available. i suppose only a salvage yard. any info about these sockets will help. thanks, capt den
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