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Everything posted by 1948Skip

  1. Wow a number. You guys are a peach. Thanks much. Skip
  2. Hi Norm's coupe, I was on the patent site quite a while when all of a sudden I find out that you must have the patent number to search any thing prior to 1976. So I have been googling in hopes that I wii find something. If I do I will post my findings. Thanks skip
  3. Well fellas I was just on the US patent site and I don't think I want to go back. Like the rest of the Goverment, a mess. I searched many ways and come up with nothing. I thank you for the suggestions. I tried. Skip
  4. Ok Guys, Can somebody with a Ammco 1750 brake tool take a look and post the patent number from the tool. Many thanks Skip
  5. How about getting Ammco Coates to make a special run on these tools. Maybe then the price would come down. Then everybody would have their very own. Skip
  6. Makkelsay, You say you do have a manual. Maybe you should read it. The drums are the first to come off. Then the backing plate and then the axels come out. THEN the punkin gets unbolted. Skip
  7. The best way to handle this is a no buy campaign against the Streetbeasts organizations Skip
  8. Is this a wire or copper tubing with the end crimped shut? If stiff wire it could be bi-metal being used as a thermostat. If copper tube it also is used as a thermostat with the copper tube being filled with a heat sensitive liquid. Skip
  9. Jim, What a beautiful transformation. Nice work. Skip
  10. Fellas, My 1948 Plymouth P-15 has a grease fitting on the water pump. Skip
  11. The most memorable time was when I brought my first car home. I was 14 and bought a 1930 Model A Ford. When I drove up the driveway my Dad was a little mad to say the least. He chastized me for driving without a license. But He soon calmed down and helped me tune up the car and do some other work on it. This made him feel good as He came through this time span of the 1920's and '30,s. He knew these old cars. Do I miss Him? You betcha. Skip
  12. I would go with the flat type. This is what is on mine, All four of them. Skip
  13. Thanks Young Ed, Another thing to check with this washer is that all surfaces are smooth and clean. Skip
  14. Alex, Never, never, never use teflon tape on any type of hydraulic system. Get a BFW and tighten the big nut on the rear of the master cylinder. Skip
  15. Would you believe "Caster action" Skip
  16. This excerpt from Wikipedia might explain randroids misunderstanding of sunday and Labor Day: "Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement." Skip
  17. I don't know but my calendar says today is Labor Day Skip
  18. Aero That is a good question. I would want somebody that knows old cars. Particularly due to the rear drums and the left hand threads on the car. You don't want somebody banging on the end of the axles to get those drums off. You could easely wind up with damage inside the rear or broken and stripped lug bolts. I deal with a fellow who trusts my word on the brakes and he does not pull any wheels. Skip
  19. Ken, If you can find NOS drums the outer bearing cones come with the drums. All you would have to is clean up the drum and transfer the bearing races. Try and clean out the stripped hole, thats if the clown did not force the bolt back into the hole. Best of luck Skip
  20. I think I would opt to keeping the three holes at .500 apart. This way you do not wind up with a .024 error in drum measuring. .024 will mean you will not get your drum on because the brake lining will be to far extended. Skip
  21. Here is the ticket. the "hidden" one behind/under the carburetor. Skip
  22. Brian, I had a simular situation happen to me. It was a Dodge too. Left front caliper locked up and damn near caught fire. Lots of smoke. Had to have both front calipers rebuilt. Cost 20 years ago, about $107.00. Skip
  23. That sure has to be mess when changing the filter Skip
  24. Excellant schematic. I have one and the colors make it easy to follow. Skip
  25. Andy Barnbaum Skip
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