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Billy Austin

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Everything posted by Billy Austin

  1. Hey Guys, A big thanks to Don & Tim for the help. The new drive unit is a mix of fluid drive parts and standard a flywheel. This coupling allows you to keep a all standard set up. After driving the car with fluid drive for a few miles I felt it was not for me. I have not tested the set up yet. will post results. -Billy-
  2. Chris, This is a photograph of a 25 inch block cut away. As you can see the casting wall is a nominal thickness and has no extra metal due to bore spacing or lenth of block. The cross section thickness of a 251 block or a 218 block are probably about the same. I think your biggest problem boring that much would be finding a casting defect. Note the core shift in photo. I would play it safe and bore casting to a minimun clean up dimension, and swap pistons with VPW.
  3. Don , search over center spring adustment threads. I have some split bushings . Send me a PM for contact information.
  4. Bob, Glad you and the wife are safe. This has motivated me to get storm ready and make a shelter. -Billy-
  5. Randy, Look up P factor and Gyroscopic Precession. -Billy-
  6. Just want to say thanks to Tim and Sally for hosting another fun meet . The food was awesome(best beans and wings ever!) however the ride in the Sunbeam Tiger was a bucket list thing. The trip back was a little crazy. Glad I had Tom Tom and Wawona. We drove the east side back streets all the way around . Also glad I had Richie Hodge for a tail gunner.
  7. I saw this post today and I drove back to town and bought a new Nikon Camera !!!!
  8. I would use the one on the right.
  9. I feel the same way about the round wife sometimes,But today she got me a deep fryer and a sack of potatos so we are all GOOD! I have to say sealants are a good thing used in moderation. It does'nt matter if you brush it,spray it squeeze form a tube or squirt it from a cheese can if the flange face is warped and not a flat plane...It's not going to seal! I would also make sure the thermostat was seated in housing correctly.
  10. Deacon lunchbox stopped by the shop today in his usual self induced stuper.I had just started work on my gas tank when he ask about lunch . So I told him to think of a clever way get the crap out of the tank while I made us some lunch. This is what he did in seven minutes. However this does give a opportunity to see the bronze filter and the missing ferrule.
  11. Dear Abby Dear Abby, My Plymouth won't crank. I do believe there's crap in the tank....signed..... -BEWILDERED- I started the 40 plymouth in the garage today to take the wife for a late lunch. Before the engine warmed up it sputtered and stalled. I knew for a fact I have half a tank of gas. So I had the wife crawl under and pull the fuel bowl on the pump. She came back with the brown rice grains in her hand that was in the bowl. I had her to remove the gas cap and blow air into the tank. After a minute or two I hit the starter and it fired right up. However as soon as she put the gas cap back on it sputters and stalls. Needless to say I had grill cheese at home. Then big Momma got all pissed off cause I laughed at the 2 1/2 inch ring around her mouth!
  12. Here ya go. I got out my decoder ring and it 's a E-9052.....
  13. Yep.. Thats what they stamped it as part number. A 077B6-B. try dropping the -B .
  14. I've got a K&N filter A077B6-B ... All you have to do is cut the oil bath cap off.
  15. James ,I got the Champion WCX 600 ends from Kingsborne.com .They are for vintage Jaguar. I got the wire from Y&Z wiring.
  16. Greg , Due to the economic down turn , the only way I could do it this summer would be with a good pair of sneakers and a syphon hose. The material on the fuel line is a piece of high temp hydraulic line heat shield. I capped it with shrink tube.
  17. I was going to use a dual carb set up, then I got to thinking having two carburetors is like having two wives. One is enough trouble.
  18. Oh no sir.. This is a highly modified D24 engine built by the famous Hodge brothers. ( That's one brother in his the black sedan.) However I do have that spiffy 3-speed tranny in your picture.
  19. We had some great weather in the peach state today , so I got the 3 pass project out and fired off the race engine. It's now official all robins have flown north .
  20. Dan, The steering gear arm for a D24 has four rubber bushings on the tie rods, were as the P-15 has none it's solid. The P15 solution was dampen the steering box with rubber and a backing plate.
  21. We shall miss you. Billy Austin
  22. James , Just wanted so say thank you for the Desoto grand tour...Great car........Good folks.....Billy Austin
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